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water. It will last 10 minutes!!! But sperm does not live long at all. My girl asked the same question and I asked a doctor, he laughed but she got her answer. water is the only thing i know of.

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Q: What can sperm live off?
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Can sperm live up to 2 months?

No, sperm die off after 3 days of being made. It's the way of life mostly.

How long can a sperm live on tip of a penis after one has evacuated?

As long as it doesn't dry off or isn't wiped off.

How long does sperm live when it?

How long does male sperm live

Where does sperm live?

Sperm cells develop in the testicles, where they live until released by a sexual encounter, masturbation or a nocturnal emission ("wet dream"). Once ejaculated they can survive for several days but will eventually die off. One lucky sperm from the millions released may fertilise an egg.

How long can sperm live in a womens body?

how long can sperm live in a women's body

Can sperm live in the ocean?

Yes, sperm can live in the ocean. This is because sperm thrives in warmer temperatures such as ocean water. However, sperm typically does not live outside the body for more than 20 minutes.

How many hours does a male sperm or Y sperm live inside a woman's body. I heard that they die off much faster than their X Sperm counter parts?

I dont know much about x or y sperm but i do know sperm can survive up to 72 hours my doctor told me that.

3 mil live sperms in a stream of 8 mil total are sufficient for getting pregnant?

A single live sperm is enough - if it reaches the female gamete. However, not all sperm reach the end of their journey, therefore, a larger amount of live sperm increases the probability of a pregnancy.A single live sperm is enough - if it reaches the female gamete. However, not all sperm reach the end of their journey, therefore, a larger amount of live sperm increases the probability of a pregnancy.A single live sperm is enough - if it reaches the female gamete. However, not all sperm reach the end of their journey, therefore, a larger amount of live sperm increases the probability of a pregnancy.A single live sperm is enough - if it reaches the female gamete. However, not all sperm reach the end of their journey, therefore, a larger amount of live sperm increases the probability of a pregnancy.

How long can sperm live on a roll of toilet paper?

Wiping off the penis with toilet paper doesn't even kill germs, so no. You need a spermicidal chemical to kill sperm.

Does a girl start off as a egg or sperm?

Sperm :) xD

Can sperm live 9 days in a woman?

No average life span of sperm is 4 days, sperm can live in a woman's body 6 days after intercourse

Can sperm live on skin?
