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Yes, smoking does affect the heart. As you should know, the heart itself is a muscle. Muscles are wonderful tissues but they are also most prone to wear and tare and poisons.

Arsenic, Carbon Monoxide, and the many other chemicals in cigarettes cause macrocardia (enlargement of the heart). Since nicotine acts as a vasoconstrictor it makes the blood vessels smaller making the blood pressure rise. Lastly, smoking cause damage to the pericardium (the sack which the heart resides in) that causes edema (fluid build up/swelling)

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Smoking damages the lungs, which makes it harder for oxygen to enter the blood. To compensate for this, the heart must work harder to pump more blood to make up for it. This can cause a wide variety of Heart diseases, and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder), where you literally can't get enough air into your system and will have to go around with your own personal oxygen tank.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Smoking is very bad for your heart and cause heart attacks. Smoking decreases the amount of oxygen that goes to your heart and makes your heart work harder and harder to get air. This causes stress on the heart and can lead to serious and even fatal heart problems.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes. Smoking can cause Heart disease by decreasing oxygen to the heart, increasing blood pressure and heart rate, increasing blood clotting, damaging cells that line the coronary artery.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

It can cause heart cancers and damage lungs too.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Yes. Tobacco contains nicotine which a stimulant. Nicotine raises blood pressure and heart rate and overtime can cause plaque buildup, heart attack, or stroke.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

I many ways go to a doctor to find out more.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

smoke contains carbon monoxide wich effect your heart.

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Q: What can smoking do to your heart?
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What are heart diseases caused by smoking?

Smoking increase the risk of developing heart diseases, which includes coronary heart disease and stroke.

Can you have a heart attack after quitting smoking for a long time?

Yes, you can have a heart attack even if you quit smoking many years ago. Not all heart attacks occur in smokers. Smoking increases the risk of a heart attack, though. Within eight to 15 years of quitting smoking, your risk of heart attack is at the same level as that of nonsmokers.

What is smoking and its effects?

Smoking can cause emphysema, heart disease, and cancer.

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It is possible. Smoking does not automatically lead to cancer or heart attack. Smoking may increase you chances of suffering cancer or heart attack

Why is smoking harm full after heart bypass?

Smoking thickens the blood and that means that after a bypass it is putting extra pressure on your heart.

How does smoking affect heart health?

Stroke being the biggest health concern along with lung cancer. If you're debating if to smoke or not, means you should not! More scary details of the effects of smoking on the heart:

What factors cause heart disease?

Smoking, not eating vegatibles, but smoking is a definate answer. :)

How does smoking harm the respiratory system?

Smoking causes cancer and heart attacks.

Smoking lead to heart disease?

smoking doesn't bring on heart disease but definitely encourages it in a big way AND IT'S BAD FOR YOU

Cigarette smoking does not affect coronary heart disease true or false?

False, Cigarette smoking does affect coronary heart disease.

Does smoking marijuana cause your heart to beat faster?

Yes. Smoking anything rases your heart rate. It does this because of the smoke in your lungs.