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kidney transplant (defination , machine)

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Q: What can help the machine through in transplant of kidney?
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Why would you need to get a kidney transplant?

If a kidney does not work properly, some patients are put on dialysis, a machine that will do the work of the kidneys - filtering germs and other things from the body. Other times, people receive a kidney transplant. This is when the kidney of someone else is put into your body to work for you.

Would a kidney transplant help a person with failing kidneys due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?


What would you do if your dad needed a kidney transplant?

If my dad needed a kidney transplant I would treasure every single moment with him and pray that his new kidney will give him enough life to see me grow. And let him do the things he's never done. If your parents have kidney problems I suggest you help them live the rest of their lives to the full.

Why is a kidney transplant nessary?

because it will help you stay alive for a bit longer and see you're friend and family.

What 1954 developement improved organ transplant success?

Dr. Callum Hume broke through the transplant techniques and introduced suppressants. The first ever organ was transplated in Boston, USA. It was a kidney transplant and the man survived another 8 years. 1954 was the development of cyclosporine. This help revolusionise the history of transplants. Answer A new drug was formed called cyclosporine.

Why did willen kolff invent kidney dialysis?

He built the artificial kidney and then he discovered the dialisis machine.

What type of machine is used to help people with kidney malfunctions?

The dialysis machine is the machine that performs dialysis of the blood. Dialysis removes the waste product from the blood by drawing it through a vein in the forearm called the arterio-venous fistula. The blood is pumped into the machine through plastic tubes and then goes through a series of events that cleanses the blood with a saline solution called dialysate. Once the blood has been cleansed, it is returned to the body.

How did the kidney transplant help the world?

People can die of severe renal failure, so, kidney transplants allow to save many people's lives! I think it's a good thing isn't it?

What is artificial kidney machine?

An artificial kidney machine, also known as a dialysis machine, is a medical device used to filter waste, excess fluids, and toxins from the blood when the kidneys are no longer able to perform this function adequately. It is a crucial treatment for individuals with kidney failure to help maintain their overall health and well-being.

Why were transplants between 1800 and 1950 unsuccessful?

because people on that time, they were not aware of transplant that much and then when in 1954 for the first kidney was transplant from one twins brother to another and they got the idea which if the body did not reject the organ. (E.g. perfect kidney for the perfect body, not old, not damaged) the transplant will successfully work for long time. So that why before 1954 the transplant were unsuccessful.further more, the other reason is, that there were no Immunosuppression ( kind of drugs, radiation which help the body to not reject the organ). So thats why transplants were unsuccessful.

What is a kidney biopsy?

say if someone needed a kidney transplant someone would give a kidney that they dont need and it would be helping someoneA kidney transplant... is the removal of a kidney from a healthy donor - to replace a diseased kidney in a poorly patient.

What treatment is used for people who have kidneys that no longer can filter waste from the blood?

For people with kidneys that can no longer filter waste from the blood, treatments such as dialysis or kidney transplant are often recommended. Dialysis is a process that filters waste and excess fluids from the blood, while a kidney transplant involves replacing the failed kidney with a healthy one from a donor. Both treatments can help manage the condition and improve overall health and quality of life.