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If your blood pressure goes down to 58, it means it has dipped too low. Low blood pressure can cause dizziness and fainting. If it is not treated properly it could become life-threatening.

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Q: What can happen if your blood pressure goes down to 58?
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Nothing happens to the blood in particular but your blood pressure goes down.

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cause your blood pressure goes down

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according to bernoulli's principle and just like BP vs. vasodilation.... when the pipe gets bigger (dilation) the pressure goes down. just like putting ur thumb over the end of a garden hose thusly decreasing the size of the pipe the pressure skyrockets.

What happens if blood pressure goes down to 90 over 39?

nothing..... my blood pressure is always around tht,, but if it decreases fast then tht when you need to see your doctor,, you might feel dizzie at times and a bit sickly.. but the real worry is when your blood pressure increases fast

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water pressure goes down because the force of the water going through the space decreases

Is the Systolic pressure is a measure of blood pressure when the ventricles relax and fill with blood?

No. I think the systolic pressure is when ventricles constrict and the blood goes out , while the diastolic pressure is when ventricles relax and fill with blood.

Does body size affect the blood pressure?

yes because if you are fat your blood pressure goes faster and you can die.

What Changes on blood pressure were observed after the subject stood for 3 minutes?

blood pressure goes back to normal

What blood goes under stress?

Blood pressure increases when the body goes in the stress. It affects the body severely. Somtimes the person goes into depression.

What happens to your blood pressure when your oxygen level goes down?

In places with lower oxygen levels (typically areas with high elevation for example), the blood pressure will indeed increase. However, as one acclimates to(gets used to) the environment, the number of red blood cells in your body will also increase, which will then eventually decrease the higher than average blood pressure.

What can cause your blood pressure to elevate?

stress You must recall the moments before your blood pressure raised. Blood pressure uses to raise suddenly from time to time. For males, when they see a pretty and waving girl, the blood pressure goes up at once, as well their heartbeat increases; Watch your diet. If you want to evaluate your real blood pressure, check it twice a day, at morning and at evening during a week. Take care with salt. No more than 3 grams a day.

How is presssure exerted from fluids?

the pressure goes down