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Q: What can happen if you dont get medical attention after getting bleach in your eye?
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What can happen if you get bleach in cuts on your hand?

Bleach can cause irritation, redness, and burning sensation if it comes into contact with cuts on your hand. It may also delay the healing process and increase the risk of infection. It is important to wash the affected area with water immediately and seek medical attention if needed.

What can happen if bleach gets into your bodies?

If bleach is ingested, inhaled, or comes into contact with skin, it can cause irritation, burns, and potentially more serious health effects. Ingesting bleach can lead to vomiting, abdominal pain, and difficulty breathing. It is important to seek immediate medical attention if bleach is accidentally ingested or inhaled.

What would happen if you got shot in the eye by a air rifle?

Seek medical attention right away.

Your 8 year old fell and got a big knot behind her ear does she need medical attention?

If you are asking if she needs medical attention then you are obviously concerned - and if you are ever concerned that someone needs medical attention then the best course of action is to get them medical attention - better to see the doctor and be advised everything is ok rather than don't see the doctor and something bad to happen. Take her to the doctor.

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If your heart fails you have only minutes to live. Without urgent medical attention you will die.

If you swallow a battery how long will it take to leak out and what will happen if it leaks out?

If you swallow a battery I would seek medical attention immediately.

What should happen if a worker has a significant illness or a serious injury requiring medical attention?

call 911, that's what I would do

What will happen if water and bleach was poured on growing grass?

If it is a lot of bleach, it will kill the grass.

What happen to vita from murder inc?

She left Murder Inc because Ashanti was getting all the attention and her talent was being overlooked

If a person was to drink the works tolit clener what would happen?

it would burn they would vomit and even with medical attention it is possible they would DIE

What will happen to clown dipped in bleach?

It will turn into a mime.

What will happen if you soak golf clubs in bleach?

they will rust