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People with untreated panic disorder may have problems getting to work or staying on the job. As the person's world narrows, untreated panic disorder can lead to depression , substance abuse, and in rare instances, suicide.

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Q: What can develop from panic disorders?
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Causes of a panic attack?

A panic attack is caused by a sudden and overwhelming feeling of anxiety or fear. They may also be linked to other disorders, such as panic disorders, social phobia, or depression.

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There are many different treatments that can be used for panic disorders. Some doctors argue that the patient deserves psychotherapy. Others will prescribe medication.

How many people have panic disorders?

There is over 10.3 millon people in the world that have panic disorder

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Klonopin is used to treat seizure disorders or panic disorder.

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The symptoms of Anxiety and Panic Disorders are being contstantly tense, having problems with your job or school because of this, being afraid that something bad will happen and expecting sudden attacks.

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What causes panic disorders?

a feling of not being in control, completely lost and worthless

What is is klonopin?

Klonopin is a drug that is used to treat panic disorder and seizure disorders.

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