It can cause confusion in the short term. But it would not cause long term memory loss, unless there was some type of brain damage.
Yes, it can also cause general confusion in a 'dementia' type effect, however it is temporary (unlike demetia!)
Disorientation, confusion, and memory loss.
The symptoms of memory loss diseases include forgetfulness,confusion, loss of memory, and forgetting what you are doing. These symptoms can be treated with medication, but it may not always be successful.
Confusion, memory loss, depression, anxiety.
It depends upon whether they hit their head or not. A bump to the head can cause memory loss. Another cause of memory loss is stress or anxiety.
I have experienced confusion/memory problems after taking Tylenol Extra Strength.
Plugged ears can cause feelings of disorientation and balance issues, which may contribute to confusion. However, memory loss and eye problems are less likely to be directly caused by plugged ears. If you are experiencing these symptoms, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation and diagnosis.
It is possible to experience temporary memory loss or confusion after a head injury, but amnesia as commonly portrayed in media is rare. Severe head trauma, such as a concussion or traumatic brain injury, can result in memory problems and cognitive impairments. It is important to seek medical attention if you have hit your head and are experiencing memory loss or confusion.
Here you are more likely to suffer from mood swings then loss of memory.
Amnesia, but Dementia and Alzheimer's also cause loss of memory.