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Do you eat a lot of licorice? Too much licorice ( especially the pure licorice candies) can lower your potassium level which in turn effects your white blood count.

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Q: What can cause low whit and red blood cell count and low platelet count?
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In a Hematology test what is PLT for?

In a hematology test, PLT stands for platelet count. Platelets are small cell fragments in the blood that help with clotting and preventing excessive bleeding. Abnormal platelet counts can indicate various medical conditions such as thrombocytopenia (low platelet count) or thrombocytosis (high platelet count).

What are the 4 parameters of complete blood count?

The four main parameters of a complete blood count (CBC) are white blood cell count (WBC), red blood cell count (RBC), hemoglobin level, and platelet count. These parameters provide valuable information about a person's overall health and can help identify various conditions such as anemia, infections, and clotting disorders.

What does sfemlin look for in a blood test?

Sfemlin typically looks for red blood cell count, white blood cell count, platelet count, hemoglobin levels, and various other blood components that can indicate overall health and potential medical conditions.

Your son has a low white blood cell count it was 3.4 what does this mean?

Some infections can occasionally cause a low white cell count. Repeat the count regularly. If it returns to normal no need to worry. If the child also has anemia or low platelet count other investigations will be needed.

What does a low blood platelet count mean - Topix?

This is called Thrombocytopenia and means that the body is low on platelets, a type of blood cell that helps your blood to clot when damage occurs to blood vessels. Depending on how low the platelet count is, individuals with Thrombocytopenia may bruise easily and experience nosebleeds or bleeding gums.

Type of blood cell that clots blood?


What does a platelet cell do?

There is nothing called platelet cell, they are actually cell fragments. The cell fragments are required for the clotting of blood when you are injured.

What is the medical terminology Combining form meaning blood clot?

Thrombo- (Greek = "blood clot") is the word-forming element that is used meaning blood clot. thrombophlebitis: blood clot + vein + inflammation thrombocyte: blood clot + cell (aka platelet) thrombocytopenia: blood clot + cell + lacking (low platelet count)

Hoe do you calculate the mean platelet volume?

platelete count inmean platelete volume (mpv) to red blood cell count diffnetile leucocyte count dlc total leucocyte countinfomatoninfomaton

What does a high blood platelet count of 700 mean?

If you have an elevated white blood cell count of 70000 you will be subjected to other tests. These other tests will help determine why your blood count is elevated.

What blood tests are put in lavender top test tubes?

Lavender top test tubes are typically used for collecting whole blood for hematology tests, such as complete blood count (CBC) which includes white blood cell count, red blood cell count, platelet count, and hemoglobin levels. These tubes may also be used for blood bank testing, immunology, and serology tests.

What is the difference between cbc and hemogram?

CBC (complete blood count) is a blood test that provides information about the number, types, and characteristics of blood cells. It includes red blood cell count, white blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and platelet count. Hemogram is a broader term that encompasses CBC as well as other blood tests that provide more detailed information about blood cell morphology, size, and shape, such as a blood smear examination.