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There are a couple of things that can cause ankle swelling during pregnancy. When pregnant your body produces and retains more fluid. Your uterus is growing which puts pressure on your veins, which impairs the return of blood to your heart. Things to do to relieve ankle swelling is to stay off your feet as much as possible, sleep on your side and drink plenty of fluids.

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Q: What can cause excessive ankle swelling during pregnancy?
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Causes of Swollen Ankles?

Ankle swelling is a common medical condition, and in most cases, it's harmless and will resolve itself on its own. In some cases of ankle swelling, however, there is cause for concern. If you're experiencing ankle swelling and you're unsure why, here are some common causes:InjuryIn cases where an ankle has sustained injury, ankle swelling can occur. Ankle injuries that tear or stretch ligaments may result in a sprain, and as with many other injuries, swelling can take place if the sprain is not cared for and protected.PregnancyPregnancy is another common cause for ankle swelling. In fact, swelling of all extremities during pregnancy is normal, but ankle swelling is often noticed more due to gravity. It should be noted that if this swelling is accompanied by vision changes and abdominal pain, a more serious medical condition may be present, so women who experience these symptoms are encouraged to seek immediate medical care.Venous DysfunctionIn some people, ankle swelling occurs as a result of venous dysfunction, or a dysfunction of the veins. If heart valves become damaged or stop functioning properly, blood can back up in the body, and this can lead to swelling in the extremities, including the ankles.DiabetesIndividuals who are suffering from diabetes may also experience ankle swelling due to neuropathy. If this sign occurs in a diabetic patient, it is advised to seek medical assistance as soon as possible, as deadened nerves may not allow diabetics to feel the other effects of the disease, including painful sores and blisters.MedicationsSome medications are also known to create swollen ankles, including antidepressant drugs and steroids. Additionally, hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone, can lead to ankle swelling.Keep in mind that there are a number of other causes for swollen ankles, and people who suffer from this condition are encouraged to monitor their health closely. If you experience swollen ankles for more than a day, or if your ankle swelling is accompanied by other health problems, you need to seek out the services of your primary care physician, or in some cases, your local hospital's emergency room.

What is sprinkled ankle?

It seems like you may have misspelled a term. "Sprained ankle" refers to an injury that occurs when the ligaments in the ankle are stretched or torn. It can cause pain, swelling, and limited range of motion.

What do you wear when you have a sprained ankle?

If the ankle is twisted then you should apply a cold pack or ice to the ankle. And an important thing to remember is if you twist your ankle whilst wearing boots with ankle support, you should try and leave the boot on as it will be containing the swelling; and taking it off could cause further swelling.

Is my swollen ankle casued by peroneal tendonities?

Swelling in the ankle can be caused by various factors, including peroneal tendonitis. It's important to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis. Common symptoms of peroneal tendonitis include pain on the outer part of the ankle and difficulty with certain movements.

What is treatment of ankle pain and swelling after plaster remove?

After removal of plaster there is swelling prescribe gtreatment please

Does pressure on a swollen ankle make the swelling go down?

No, applying pressure to a swollen ankle can actually make the swelling worse. It is recommended to elevate the ankle above heart level and apply ice to reduce swelling. If the swelling persists or worsens, it is best to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and treatment.

What is wronge with my ankle I fell in a ditch and hurt my ankle. No swelling. Alittle bruishing. Very painful.?

its probably a sprain.

If your running and you role your ankle what should you do?

You should ice the ankle immediately. Ice ankle in 15 to 20 minute intervals. There will likely be swelling and bruising to the ankle. This is common. See you doctor.

What are the symptoms presented for ankle tendonitis?

Bruising is not a symptom of ankle tendonitis. The symptoms include pain in the tendons and swelling around the malleoli bones and backside of the ankle.

How do you break you ankle?

By excessive stress or trauma on that part of the body.

How does one get ankle tendonitis?

Ankle tendonitis is caused by inflammation surrounding the tendon in your ankle. Symptoms include pain and sometimes swelling, which typically occurs with increased activity.