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Mycocytes, muscle cells sometimes called muscle fibers, are individual components that make up skeletal muscle cells. They are formed from the fusion of myoblasts known as myogenesis. They are long, cylindrical, multinucleate cells called myofibers. They are held together by connective tissue. The muscle is attached to tendons and bones,

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Q: What can be found in every skeletal muscle?
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Is skeletal muscle found in the heart?

no. skeletal muscle is found in large groups of muscles like the arms and legs. your heart is a cardiovascular muscle

The carbohydrate found in skeletal muscle and liver is what?

Carbohydrate that is stored in the liver and skeletal muscle

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Skeletal muscle is found in all muscles (mainly in charge of movement) other than the heart (cardiac muscle) and the organs (smooth muscle)

Where is myostatin found?

It is found in the skeletal muscle of mammals.

Which muscle tissue is found attached to bones?

Skeletal muscle.

Can all four types of body tissue be found in skeletal muscle?

No, skeletal muscle tissue is composed primarily of skeletal muscle cells, which are a type of muscle tissue. Other types of body tissues like epithelial, connective, and nervous tissue are not typically found within skeletal muscle.

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Is cardiac skeletal or smooth muscle found in chicken wings?

Skeletal (voluntary) and smooth (involuntary) muscles can be found in a chicken wing. Cardiac muscle is not found in a chicken wing because cardiac muscle is found in the heart.

What types of muscles are found in human?

skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, cardiac muscle

What type of muscle is found attached to the bones?

Skeletal muscle is the type of muscle that is found attached to the bones in the body. It is responsible for voluntary movements of the body.

What are the three places where skeletal muscles can be found?

Skeletal muscle is found in all muscles (mainly in charge of movement) other than the heart (cardiac muscle) and the organs (smooth muscle)

Where are ACh receptors found in the body?

At every junction between a motor neuron and skeletal muscle fibers