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Paying prompt attention to the signs and symptoms of this disease, and seeing a doctor if the symptoms persist, are the best strategies for an early diagnosis of lymphoma. Early detection affords the best chance for a cure.

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Q: What can a patient do to limit the severity of lymphoma?
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The prognosis for lymphoma is based on what factors?

Like all cancers, the prognosis for lymphoma depends on the stage of the cancer, and the patient's age and general health.

Patient with MALT lymphoma who do not respond to standard treatment undergo what alternative therapy?

In general, these patients are treated with chemotherapy in a similar manner to patients with other types of lymphoma.

What secondary biopsy may be performed on a patient with lymphoma?

The doctor may perform a bone marrow biopsy.

Is Burkitt's lymphoma contagious?

Hodgkin's lymphoma, or disease, is inherited from the patient's parents. Like any other cancer, it is not contagious, as far as anyone knows.

Why is a second bone marrow biopsy performed during the treatment phase of a lymphoma patient?

In addition to diagnosis, the biopsy may also be repeated during the treatment phase of the disease to see if the lymphoma is responding to therapy.

Who is the best match for a lymphoma patient's bone marrow?

The donor can be a twin (best match), a sibling, or a person who is not related at all.

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The severity of the burn will determine not only the type of treatment, but also where the burn patient should receive treatment.

How long will it take to recover once chemotherapy finished and patient is in remission?

That depends on the type of cancer, the length and severity of the disease, and the health of the patient.

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(1) the patient abstains from or reduces the use and effects of the substance; (2) the patient reduces the frequency and severity of relapses;

Why may a person with lymphoma feel full?

The patient may complain of a feeling of fullness, which is a result of enlarged lymph nodes in the abdomen.

What are the symptoms of Wegener's granulomatos?

The symptoms of WG, and the severity of the symptoms, vary from patient to patient. One of the most common features is a chronic runny nose

What is the plural for lymphoma?

The plural of lymphoma is lymphomas.