A breath test analyzes the breath. Usually the breath is analyzed for the presence of alcohol. I think there are breath testers that analyze for other drugs such as cannabis.
Many conditions can be detected by a breath test. Scientists have developed breath tests that may be able to detect infections, Breast cancer, heart failure and lung cancer.
a breathalizer...
no, you can get a 3.4 on an alcohol blood test but not a breathalizer
No, breathalyzers are used to detect alcohol in a person's breath, not marijuana. Marijuana can be detected through a urine, blood, or saliva test.
a coma
It has been proven virtually inpossible to fake a breathalizer test
45 min should be good
If you were to dive and then drive over VERY HIGH (3000') mountains the diver could experience the equivelent of the bends. This would be the same danger as flying after diving. breathalizer? no.
12-24 hours depending on amount drank
I have to do weekly breathalyzer test will Benadryl make me test positive
In most states, a refusal to take a breathalizer test is an automatic admittal to driving under the influence. Next time ask for a blood test, that way some of the alcohol in your system will be gone and it will score less.