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Q: What bones only have three letters?
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What bones have only three letters in it?

Hip, Rib

What bone only has three letters?

Im just a 4th grader so I don't really know much but I was thinking, is a len good too?

What type of flower has only three letters?

The flower with only three letters in its name is the "lily."

What is the name of a Scandinavian country that only has three letters?

None of the Scandinavian countries have a name with only three letters.

What country is only three letters long?

There are no countries that have only 3 letters.

Bones can hold only three times its weight?

Bones can hold only three times its weight. This is what allows you to be able to carry things that are heavier than you as the pressure is taken to the bones.

How do you fix the bone puzzle on Mythology Island?

You have to rearrange the bones to make the bones spell tenRemove six bones from the three groups of bones, so that the remaining bones form the letters "T E N" (the solution to the riddle).

What word has three letters and if you have three it will be fewer?

so if i have only three letters and if i have three it will be fewer the answer is LESS! (I caught that when i read it) it was so easy!

How do you spell the word END in the bone puzzle on Mythology island?

In the lair of the Minotaur, you are spelling the word "TEN" by removing bones from each of the three sets. You leave nine bones forming the letters "T-E-N" in bones (two bones form the T, four form the E, three form the N).

How do you spell the word ten on Mythology Island?

In the lair of the Minotaur, remove bones from each of the three sets to leave the letters "T-E-N" in bones (two bones form the T, four form the E, three form the N).

What do the bones make on Mythology Island?

Remove 6 bones (three from the first group, one from the second, two from the third) to leave the nine bones that make the letters T-E-N.

What is a color with only three letters?

How about RED