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There are many good websites that you can buy these great bone building supplements. You might want to try : or another good site is: they have a lot to choose from and fair shipping prices.

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11y ago
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16y ago

We don't have any organs protecting the lungs, though we have our ribs, and our muscles (breast muscels, and back muscles primarily).

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12y ago

The RIBS protect the lungs.

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14y ago

the skeleton

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13y ago

Skeletal system

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I guess its the rib cage....

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12y ago

Skeletal System

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Q: What body system protects some of the internal organs such as the heart and lungs from mechanical injury?
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Why you need skin?

to protect the internal organs from mechanical injury and the action of microbes since they play vital role for our body.

What system protects internal organs from harmful bacteria sunlight and injury.?

That system is called as integumentary system. in simple word it is called as skin.

What is a protective covering for internal organs?

It depends on the type of aggression. Potential attacks primarily do not aim at tissues; they are secondarily affected. Two examples of how internal body tissues are protected are: The skin protects tissues from invasion of harmful external substances. The rib cage protects the lungs and heart from injury.

What is a cage they protects your internal organs?

Its a rib cage

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What organ system protects underlying organs from drying out?

The body system that protects underlying organs from drying out is the integumentary system. This system also protects underlying organs from mechanical damage.

Helps the body move and protects internal organs?

The skeleton

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The skull protects the brain.

What system protects the underlying organs from drying out and mechanical damage?

The organ system that protects underlying organs from drying out and mechanical damage is the integumentary system. This system is made up of the skin, hair and nails.

What do human bones protect?

Your bones protect your internal organs from injury.

How is a mollusks mantle related to it's shell?

It protects there internal organs.