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it effects the respiratory system (the lungs)

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Q: What body system does emphysema effect?
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How does emphysema effect fick's law?

in emphysema the surface of exchange is reduced

How emphysema has effect your body?

C.O.P.D effects your body greatly. It blocks the airways of the lungs with thick mucus, making it difficult for the sufferer to breathe

Describe the cause of emphysema and effect regarding?

acinus desry the alvli and smoking is mager cause of emphysema

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Nervous system

Who does emphysema affect the respiratory system?


Is THC really a cure for Emphysema?

There is no cure for emphysema-- except lung or heart-lung transplant (which likely would not be done). THC will NOT cure emphysema. The person using THC just won't care as much that they can't get air-- and, because of that effect on the body/brain, the person could stop breathing from THC.

What body system does smallpox effect?

everywhere in the human body.

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Does emphysema cause the body to ache?

The body would not have widespread aches and pains. Emphysema primarily affects the lungs, and secondarily the heart and brain. However, that does not mean a patients cannot have a pain condition along with their emphysema diagnosis.

What body system does the med geodon oral effect?

immune system

What is the effect of emphysema on inspiratory reserve?

It slowly decreases it over time.

What body system does tuberculosis effect?

Usually the lung