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Cushing's syndrome is a hormonal disorder (not genetic in most cases) caused by prolonged exposure of the body's tissues to high levels of the hormone 'Cortisol' (aka: hypercortisolism); it is fairly rare and affects adults ages 20 - 50. 10 - 15% per million people are affected each year.

Symptoms vary with each individual such as upper body obesity, rounded face, increased fat around the neck, thinning of the arms and legs. Children that are preconditioned for Cushing's are generally obese with a slowed growth rate.

The skin can tell a doctor if the symptoms are Cushing's: The skin becomes fragile and thin; bruises easily; heals poorly. Purplish/pink stretch marks may appear on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, arms and breasts (be aware that great losses of weight, or pregnancy can cause pink looking stretch marks as well as IS NOT Cushing's!)

Bones weaken and every day activities such as lifting, bending or getting up from a sitting position leads to backaches, rib and spinal column fractures. There is severe fatigue, weak muscles, high blood pressure; high blood sugar readings; irritability, anxiety and depression.

Women generally have excess hair growth (if going through menopause this can happen and is not Cushing's syndrome) on their face, neck, chest, abdomen and thighs. Their menstrual periods may become irregular or stop. Men have a decreased fertility and diminished libido.

Cushing's disease (rather than sydrome) refers to one specific cause, a tumor in the pituitary gland that produces large amounts of ACTH, which in turn elevates cortisol. It can usually be cured by surgery. It was described by Harvey Cushing in 1932. I think you might be looking for "Cushing's Disease"...

Some treatments for Cushing's syndrome or disease: Cushing's disease can usually be treated by surgery when the cause is a tumor. Cushing's syndrome can usually be treated by carefully weaning the patient off steroids when steroids are the cause of the problem. The syndrome or disease was identified and described by Harvey Cushing in 1932. Cushing's cases can also appear in domestic dogs and horses.

For additional information about Cushing's sign/symptoms, causes/treatments, please see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Links.
A crushing Syndrome is basically hormonal disorder. Like you like this person one minute then the next the next and the next. Some people say "slut". But not a kind answer. It kinda doesn't really exist some people make it up in their mind. But its your life and you can like whoever you choose to.

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13y ago

Physically, patients develop an abnormal fat distribution that sometimes leads to feelings of insecurity or unattractiveness. Clinically, people with Cushing syndrome are often at risk for a variety of significant medical problems including Diabetes.

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The most common cause of Cushing's syndrome is the long-term use of glucocorticoid hormones in medications.

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How is hypernatremia related to cushing's disease?

Cushing syndrome affects the adrenal gland, which in return stimulates aldosterone. Aldosterone is responsible for salt and water retention. In Cushing syndrome cortisol is high which also blocks the excretion of sodium from the body.

Cushing syndrome results from hypersecretion of glucocorticoid hormone by a tumor of the adrenal cortex?

True: Cushing syndrome affects more women than men. The hypersecretion of glucocorticoid hormone causes patients with Cushing syndrome to develop a characteristic moon face. Redistribution of body fat causes a buffalo hump on the upper back.

What are some symptoms of cushing disease and ways to treat it ?

Cushing disease (or Cushing's syndrome) is when the body has too much of the hormone cortisol. A symptom of Cushing's disease is rapid weight gain. Removing the hormone gland that produces the excess cortisol can cure this disease.

Does cushing's syndrome lower glucose levels?

No, Cushing's Syndrome does NOT lower glucose levels. In fact, it raises glucose levels. Cushing's syndrome is a collection of symptoms that are relative to Cushing's disease. It is a hyper-adrenal problem. The adrenal glands are producing too much cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone released in compromised situations, like stress, anxiety, etc. Cortisol stimulates glucose to be produced to be uptaken by the body's cells for energy for the stressed out situation that the person is having. So Cushing's = hyper adrenal = increase in cortisol = increase in glucose.

What is a probable etiology of cushing syndrome?

One probable etiology of Cushing syndrome is the prolonged exposure to high levels of the hormone cortisol, either due to an excess production by the adrenal glands (Cushing's disease) or as a result of external factors such as steroid medication use or tumors in other parts of the body.

What is Behcet's syndrome?

Behcet's syndrome is a chronic disease that involves multiple body systems.A group of symptoms that affect a variety of body systems, including musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, and the central nervous system.

How hypokalemia related to cushing's syndrome?

In Cushing's syndrome, there is excess cortisol in the body which can cause increased excretion of potassium in the urine leading to hypokalemia. This occurs because cortisol enhances the action of mineralocorticoids which promote potassium excretion by the kidneys. Therefore, individuals with Cushing's syndrome are at higher risk of developing hypokalemia.

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SARS stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. It is a group of illnesses that directly effects the respiratory system. However, being that it inhibits quality breathing, it will eventually effect the entire body.

What is Cushing's Disease or Cushing's Syndrome?

Patients with Cushing disease have a tumor that secretes a hormone called corticotropin (also called adrenocorticotropic hormone, or ACTH). ACTH is a hormone normally produced by the body (specifically the part of the brain called the pituitary gland) and acts on the adrenal glands, causing them to produce a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is an important stress hormone that has a number of effects on the body.The ACTH-producing tumor of Cushing disease results in excessively high levels of cortisol in their bloodstream. The cortisol acts throughout the body, causing a redistribution of fat (causing abdominal obesity and two conditions called "moon facies" and "buffalo hump"), thinning of the skin (leading to skin lesions called striae), bone weakness, high blood glucose (which can lead to diabetes), and other conditions.This collection of signs and symptoms is called Cushing syndrome, which is distinct from Cushing disease. Cushing syndrome can be seen in any circumstance where the levels of cortisol are elevated; this frequently happens in patients that are taking cortisol prescribed by their doctor. Cushing disease is excess cortisol caused by an ACTH-secreting tumor.Cushing's disease mainly refers to the manifestation of Cushing's syndrome which is the result of a pituitary gland tumour. The lower portion of the brain has the pituitary gland which controls cortisol production within the body. One of the important causes of this disease could be the small tumours which may cause the adrenal glands to produce too much cortisol resulting in significant changes to the body. In reality, the tumours are not said to be typically malignant or cancerous but if enlarged may lead to vision impairment.

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Your doctor tells you you have Cushings disease what does this mean?

's syndrome occurs when your body is exposed to high levels of the hormone cortisol for a long period of time. Cortisol is also sometimes called a "stress hormone" and is a natural steroid hormone that's like the "cortisone" in some medicines. Cushing 's syndrome can be caused by the body making too much cortisol or it can be caused by taking too much corticosteroid medicines (which contain cortisol).Cushing