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Q: What bodily fluids can carry pathogens?
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Related questions

What is enteric isolation?

Enteric isloation refers to the avoidence of any contact with bodily fluids of a patient due to pathogens or chemotherapy treatment that can be transmitted via these fluids.

Is blood the only bodily fluid that can carry bloodborne pathogens?

no not all, blood-borne pathogens are typically found in the blood stream and any bodily fluid that can contain blood can contain a blood borne pathogen. these include urine, feces, saliva, sperm, vaginal secretions, and even tears.

Bloodborne pathogens may enter your system through?

Bloodborne pathogens can enter your system through contact with infected blood or bodily fluids, such as needle sticks, cuts, or mucous membranes like the eyes, nose, or mouth. It is important to follow proper safety procedures and protocols to prevent exposure to bloodborne pathogens.

Is HIV transmitted thought bodily fluids?

Yes.HIV can be transmitted tough bodily fluids

Is eczema transferable by bodily fluids?


What is the study of body fluids called?

The study of body fluids is called clinical pathology or clinical chemistry. It involves analyzing blood, urine, and other bodily fluids to assess a person's health and diagnose medical conditions.

What about other 'body fluids'?

Body fluids such as blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid can also carry pathogens and infectious agents. It is important to handle these fluids carefully to prevent the spread of diseases. Proper disposal and disinfection procedures should be followed to maintain a safe environment.

Can Cocaine be passed through bodily fluids?


How does the virus travel?

Through Bodily Fluids

How many bodily fluids should we drink per day?

It is not usual to drink any bodily fluids, although I suppose we do swallow our own spit.

Can you get aids if your cut is bleeding?

Only if your open cut comes in contact with the bodily fluids of someone who does have AIDS. Bodily fluids does not included saliva/spit.

Can a child with HIV infect another child through casual contact?

No. Only certain bodily fluids carry the HIV virus, like blood, semen, and vaginal fluid. Casual contact, even contact with other bodily fluids (tears, saliva, etc.) does not pose a great risk of spreading the virus.