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Mainly, blood vessels near the surface of the skin are affected

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Q: What blood vessels are usually affected in cases of Acrocyanosis?
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What is Acrocyanosis caused by?

caused by constriction or narrowing of small blood vessels in the skin of affected patients. The spasm of the blood vessels decreases the amount of blood that passes through them, resulting in less blood being delivered to the hands and feet

What is Acrocyanosis?

Acrocyanosis is a condition characterized by persistent, painless discoloration of the hands and feet due to reduced blood flow to the skin in these areas. It is often caused by poor circulation or blood vessel constriction. Acrocyanosis is usually benign and does not typically require treatment.

What is the treatment for Acrocyanosis?

usually isn't treated. Drugs that block the uptake of calcium (calcium channel blockers ) and alpha-one antagonists reduce the symptoms in most cases. Drugs that dilate blood vessels are only effective some of the time

Blood pressure is affected by constriction and dilation of?

Blood vessels. Constriction of blood vessels increases blood pressure by reducing the space for blood flow, while dilation of blood vessels decreases blood pressure by increasing the space for blood flow.

Which blood vessels that usually return blood to the heart?


Can Vasculitis happen anywhere?

Blood vessels anywhere in the body can be affected by vasculitis

At which part first get of human beings affected after cobra bite?

Blood vessels and its linking then heart

What is one of the smallest blood vessels which connect the arteries and the veins is a?

The capillaries are the smallest blood vessels and are usually found between arteries and veins.

What is temporal artheritis?

Temporal arteritis is an inflammation of the blood vessels usually caused by some sort of damage or injury. These blood vessels are the ones that supply blood to the head.

What usually carries blood away from the heart?

veinsAnswerArteries are the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart, not veins. Veins are the blood vessels that carry blood towards the heart. The only exceptions being the pulmonary and umbilical veins, both of which carry oxygenated blood.

Blood preaaure is defined as the force that blood exerts on the inner walls of blood vessels true or false?

True, blood pressure is the force that the blood exerts against the walls of the blood vessels, usually the arteries.

What is Ranauds Disease?

Raynaud's disease is also called Raynaud's phenomenon. This condition is a rare disorder of the blood vessels usually effecting the fingers and toes. People with this disorder have attacks that cause the blood vessels to narrow. When this happens blood can't get to the surface of the skin and the affected areas turn white and blue. When the blood flow returns, the skin turns red and throbs or tingles.