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Blood types usually only take blood of the same type, with the exception of O. Different blood types, such as A and B, will see each other as a threat to the body, a foreign object, and will attack each other.

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Q: What blood types do a- take and why and why doesnt it take the other blood types?
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Which blood group is the universal donor O or O-?

O negative (O-) is the universal blood donor because it lacks A, B, and Rh antigens, making it compatible with all other blood types.

What blood type is called the universal recipient because people with it can take transfusions from anybody?

The blood type that is can be given to anyone is blood type O-. A person that has the blood type O- is called a universal donor because O- is compatible (as long as they are not an alien!). People with negative blood types can only take negative blood types. People with positive blood types can take either positive or negative, so that is why only blood type O- is the universal blood type, not O+. :) ~Ctmusicgirl7PCH=AB

What differentiates blood types from all other blood types?

Blood type O can recieve any type of blood transfusions. They can also recieve any type of plasma. O positive is a common blood type and those with it should take advantage of donating both blood and plasma.

Which bloods can the 4 blood types take?

defiantly not rabies because I HAS RABIES

Is one blood type worth more in donations?

yes! it is very important. take grade 11 biology and you will find out why. the enzymes in your blood can't attack or reject incoming blood - this is why certain blood types can have some blood types other than their own, and some others can only have their own.

Why is O blood called universal donor?

only O negative blood is called the universal donor. This is because people with this blood type have the ability to donate their blood to ANY other blood type. Blood donation is a complex process and only certain types can receive certain types. O neg is the one blood type that can give to anyone (however, they can only RECEIVE from O neg)

Is a universal donor rare?

No universal is dominant and can take over most rare blood types.

If someones blood cells have type A antigens what type of blood do they have?

People with type A blood can give blood to people with type A or type AB, but you do need to take the Rh factor into consideration. The Rh factor is what makes a person have type A+ or type A-, etc. There are also other types of very rare antigen in the blood that make up the other blood type which is beyong the scoop of discussion here.

What blood can type O safely receive?

Blood type O can safely receive transfusions of type O blood, as it does not have A or B antigens that could trigger an immune response. It is often referred to as the universal blood donor because it can be given to individuals with other blood types.

Will marijuana still be in blood after three days smoke free?

Absolutely it doesnt leave the blood until a good 32 days unless you take shots of vinegar or drink lots of cranberry juice

What blood types are compatible with A negative blood?

The blood type that is compatible with A negative blood are -A and AB-. O+ is compatible, but should only be used in life-threatening emergency. The same should be take in effect for A+

How can doctors determine positive or negative blood types.?

Doctors determine positive or negative blood types by testing for the presence or absence of a specific protein called the Rh factor on the surface of red blood cells. A positive blood type indicates the presence of this protein, while a negative blood type indicates its absence. This information is important for blood transfusions and pregnancy monitoring.