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Q: What blood pumps a surge of blood can be felt in places such as the wrist this is know as?
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When you place your fingers on your wrist you can feel a pulsing motion?

Your heart, because when you breath it pumps blood to your heart then it pumps bloodthrough your veins. So, it's your heart.

Why does blood spurt out profusely if the blood vessel on the wrist is cut?

If you cut any artery, blood will spurt out profusely. The heart pumps blood through the body under pressure.

How do pulses in wrist and neck feel the same?

well the heart pumps the blood at the same time, so you can feel it at the same time no matter where you check it, under your knee, your wrist, on the joint of your arm, and your neck.

Where can I purchase Omron wrist blood pressure monitor near banff?

There are no places neat Banff, but you can purchase it a

Why is your pulse taken from either your neck and wrist?

The pulse is typically taken from the neck (carotid artery) and wrist (radial artery) because these arteries are easily accessible and are close to the surface of the skin, making it easier to detect the pulsations caused by the heartbeat. Monitoring the pulse in these locations provides important information about heart rate and rhythm.

Where can a wrist rest be bought?

There are many places where a wrist rest can be bought. The cheapest places are online. There are a lot of online stores that sell wrist rests at cheap prices. Amazon and Ebay for instance.

Where are the places were you can fell your pulse?

wrist and neck.

Where are the two places that you can best take your resting heart rate?

Either your neck or your wrist

What the nurse do when places her fingers on your wrist?

They check your pulse

How do you monitor pulse?

Find your pulse is easy and anyone can do it. Take your index and middle finger and place it on your wrist, neck, or any other large blood vessel. Count how many pumps you feel in fifteen seconds then multiple that by 4. Your total will be the amount your heart beats every minute, your pulse.

What cause the pulse to move in the wrist?

The pumping of blood from the heart, passing into the hands, causes the pulse in the wrist.

Why does wrist cut turn red?

From the blood that squirts out