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Lemineers are veneers.

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What is the best quality reclaim brick or veneer brick?

veneer brick, trust me

Is veneer can used for sauna doors?

Yes, you can use veneer for sauna door, even tho it is not the best material for it.

What is a lumineer?

Something that'd shine on its own, like a star.

Veneer in a sentence?

Please do not dent the veneer.

What does brick veneer consist of?

I have heard about something called brick veneer, but I'm not sure what it is. What is brick veneer made of?

What is the best quality stone veneer?

One which resists weathering, erosion, and staining, like granite.

Where can you get cheap wood veneer?

Plywood is essentially cheap veneer.

How tall is Acadia Veneer?

Acadia Veneer is 5' 5".

How can you put veneer in a complex sentence?

Her wan smile was a thin veneer. Be careful, as the mahogany veneer is easily sanded through.

What does the Softwood Veneer and Plywood category include?

This classification includes establishments primarily engaged in producing commercial softwood veneer and plywood from veneer produced in the same establishment or from purchased veneer.

When was Acadia Veneer born?

Acadia Veneer was born in Massachusetts, in USA.

Does Indiana produce hardwood veneer?

Indiana makes hardwood veneer