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Q: What best describes a likely result for the digestive system if digestive acids and enzymes are weakened?
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What problems would a person most likely have is his pancreas was not working correctly?

The person does not have enough digestive enzymes.

A body that contains enzymes that breaks down or dissolves pathogens?

This body part is likely the stomach, with its acidic environment and digestive enzymes that can break down pathogens. These enzymes help neutralize harmful bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens that may enter the body through food or drink.

Does digestive enzymes in a lysosome work best in a neutral than a basic?

Digestive enzymes in lysosomes work best in an acidic environment, not neutral or basic. The acidic pH of the lysosome is essential for the optimal activity of these enzymes in breaking down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into their basic components. Changing the pH to neutral or basic can affect the efficiency of the digestive process in the lysosome.

Is party loyalty weakened after presidential election?

The losing party is likely weakened, especially if the election is not close.

How long would a maggot survive for in a human stomach?

Maggots would likely not survive in the harsh acidic environment of the human stomach. The stomach's acid and digestive enzymes would likely kill the maggots within a short period of time.

What type of enzymes are in Tide?

Most likely protease and amylase enzymes.

What problem would a person most likely have if his pancreas was not working correctly?

Digestive problems.

An intestinal cell that secretes an enzyme would most likely contain many?

Ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum, as these structures are involved in protein synthesis, including the synthesis and secretion of digestive enzymes in intestinal cells.

In a multi-celled animal certain cells in the eye may also produce digestive enzymes?

These cells are likely dual-function cells that serve both sensory and digestive purposes. This phenomenon may be advantageous for the animal in terms of energy efficiency and resource utilization, as it allows for the recycling of cellular materials for different physiological processes.

What kind of endoplasmic reticulum are you likely to find in cells that line the stomach?

Cells that line the stomach will likely contain rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) because these cells produce and secrete digestive enzymes and mucus. The RER is responsible for protein synthesis and modification before they are transported to other parts of the cell or secreted.

What best describes what will most likely happen when an individual receives a vaccination containing a weakened pathogen?

We don't have your statements so can't answer your question.

What is likely to prevent digestion of starch by carbohydrase enzymes in the stomach?

the hydrochloric acid is likely to prevent the digestion of starch by carbohydrase enzymes in the stomache because the carbohydrase enzymes optimum PH is PH7. The Hydrochloric acid in the stomache makes the PH in the stomache PH3 therefore the stomache has too weak a PH for the enzymes to be able to work.