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I think you were looking for staphylococci.

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Q: What bacteria is found in your nose throat and skin sores?
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How you sneeze?

Some particles and bacteria can irritate the lining of your nose and throat, causing you to sneeze.

What are nerve cells found in the nose and throat?

olfactory nerve

Is influenza a virus bacteria or fungi?

Influenza is a virus. It is a respiratory virus that infects the nose, throat, and sometimes the lungs. It is not caused by bacteria or fungi.

Can you have throat MRSA?

The throat is a location in the body that MRSA bacteria lives (another location is the nose and groin areas). Although having the bacteria in these locations, doesn't necessarily mean a MRSA infection. MRSA infection can spread into the throat and cause serious conditions.

Where pertussis found?

Pertussis occurs worldwide. Pertussis bacteria live in the mouth, nose, and throat of an infected person also called Whooping cough

What reason the nostrils of the nose are lined with hair and murces?

To trap particles and bacteria/viruses that would otherwise get into the throat and lungs.

Is it nasty to dig up your nose and not wash your hands?

Yes, because your nose has bacteria in it that can spread infection. You should especially not pick your nose and touch any open sores or or your eyes because this is an easy entry for those bacteria to enter your bloodstream where they can start to multiply and cause very serious staph or strept infections.

You sleep with oxygen every night you get sores in your nose?

Oxygen itself will not cause sores in your nose. If you are receiving the oxygen via nasal prongs or some sort of pipe that enters the nose, the pipe or prongs can cause irritation of the skin, resulting in sores.

What does otolaryngologis?

it is an ENT or ear, nose, and throat doctor

What does the medical abbreviation Heent mean?

It's actually ENT, which stands for Ear, Nose and Throat. The other term for that type of physician is Otolaryngologist.Ears, nose, and throat.Ear, nose, and throat doctor.otorhinolarynologist

Sores in nose when you have a cold is it from kleenex?

No, its from allergies

What is the medical term meaning pertaining to nose and throat?

Nasopharyngeal means pertaining to the nose and throat.