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the vagus nerve

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Q: What autonomic nervous system nerve serving the thorax?
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Where does the vagus nerve go through?

The vagus nerve passes through the neck and enters the thorax where it descends through the chest and abdomen, innervating organs such as the heart, lungs, and digestive system. It is the longest nerve of the autonomic nervous system and plays a key role in regulating many bodily functions.

What does the thorax of an insect do?

The thorax of an insect contains the muscles responsible for moving its legs and wings, allowing it to walk and fly. Additionally, the thorax protects the insect's vital organs, such as the heart and respiratory system.

Where is the respiratory system loacted?

Mostly in thorax, some part in neck and head .

What organs do the bones of the thorax protect?

The bones of the thorax, including the rib cage and sternum, protect the heart, lungs, and major blood vessels like the aorta. They provide structural support and help shield these vital organs from potential injuries.

Which nervous system prepares your body for a fight or flight response?

Sympathetic nerves: prepare the body for emergencies and stress by increasing the breathing rate, heart rate, and blood flow to muscles. These nerves become aroused as part of the fight-or-flight response, which is the body's natural reaction to real or imaginary danger.

What anatomical position is the head to the thorax?

the head is superior to the thorax. the thorax is inferior to the head.

In what part of the anatomy is the stemum bond?

The sternum is a bone in the chest (thorax). It is part of the skeletal system.

What body part are the legs and wings attached to?

The thorax. See the related link for more information.

Do arthropods have a trachea?

Yes, arthropods have a tracheal system, which consists of a network of tubes (tracheae) that deliver oxygen directly to their tissues. This system helps facilitate gas exchange in their bodies.

What is an ants thorax?

The thorax of an ant is considered to be its powerhouse. The thorax is the portion of the body to which the ant's legs are attached. There are three sections to the thorax in ants.

Does an ant have a thorax?

The middle segment is the thorax. Insects typically have (3)-head, thorax, abdomen.

What do honey bees use their thorax?

The thorax is the middle part of the bee. The honeybee shivers the muscles in the thorax and when the thorax is warm enough the bee can fly.