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Q: What auses pain in middle of chest and right arm is tingling and hurts- saw spots headache also?
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What are the side effects of MSG in the human diet?

Headache. Flushing. Sweating. Facial tightness. Numbness, tingling or burning in the skin. Rapid, fluttering heartbeat. Chest pain. Nausea.

What causes chest heaviness and tingling?

Chest heaviness and tingling can be caused by several factors, including anxiety, stress, heart problems like angina or a heart attack, respiratory issues like asthma or pneumonia, or nerve compression. It is important to seek medical evaluation if you are experiencing these symptoms to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment.

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What happen if you take nitroquick and you are not having chest pain?

You'll get a terrible headache.

Severe chest pain and tingling tongue?

go to the hospital now... you are probably having a heart attack

Headache fever chills tight chest nausea?

Sounds like flu with a possible chest infection. Go and see your doctor about it

What are symptoms of a chest cold?

The symptoms are cough, chest pain, fatigue, headache, body aches, sore throat, difficulties to breath.

Which of the following overt side effects is likely to appear after a person ingests a high quantity of nicotinic acid?

niacin flush: temporary burning, tingling, and itching sensation that occurs when a person takes a large dose of nicotinic acid; often accompanied by a headache and reddened face, arms and chest.

What causes central chest pain and tingling down the left arm?

Either angina or a pending heart attack.

Why does your chest have a bump?

If its in the middle of your chest its called a 3rd boob

What causes tingling in your chest and slight nausea?

I know you can have nausea with a MI (heart attack). Symptoms vary from person to person and could include tightness or maybe tingling in your chest neck, jaw, arm or back, nausea or a feeling of heartburn. Its always best to call a doctor and get an EKG and blood work

What is Shooting pain and tingling left fore arm?

when you have a heart attack pain transfers from chest to arm, but mostlikely tendonitus.