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Q: What attaches tooth to the bone?
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How is a tooth attached to the bone of the jaw?

A tooth is attached to the bone of the jaw through the periodontal ligament. This ligament acts like a cushion, allowing the tooth to withstand the forces of biting and chewing. Additionally, the surrounding bone provides support and stability for the tooth.

Attaches the tooth to bone and surrounding alveolar strutures?


What attaches the tooth to bone and surroundings alveolar structures?

Periodontal ligament

What material attaches the periodontal membrane to the tooth?

The periodontal ligament attaches the tooth to the surrounding alveolar bone. This ligament is a fibrous connective tissue that helps support the tooth and allows for slight movement during chewing or other forces applied to the tooth.

A tendon attaches one bone to another?

No, a tendon attaches a muscle to bone. A ligament attaches a bone to another bone.

Is ligament the mart of a muscle that attches the muscle to bone?

Ligament attaches bone to bone tendon attaches muscle to bone

Attaches bone to bone?


What attaches bone to bone as in the skull?

SuturesThe Coronal suture attaches the frontal with the parietal.The Squamous suture attaches the temporal with the parietal.The Lambdoid suture attaches the parietal with the occipital.

Is tooth consider as a bone?

a tooth is concidered a bone!

Why connects a bones to another bone?

a ligament attaches bone to bone

What attaches to muscle to bone?

Tendons... Ligaments attach bone to bone

What attaches bone to muscle?

Tendons... Ligaments attach bone to bone