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Q: What arm is closer to your heart?
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Which arm do you wear a black armband on as mark of respect?

"You would wear it on your right arm." Is not correct. A black armband should be worn on your left arm. The reason for this is that the armband represents the deceased and by wearing the armband you are wanting to keep the deceased close to your heart. Your left arm is the one closer to your heart.

When was Closer to My Heart created?

Closer to My Heart was created in 1985.

When was Closer to Your Heart created?

Closer to Your Heart was created in 1985.

Why should your arm be at the same level as your heart when you take your blood pressure?

basicallyit is the closest point to the heart it can be mesared so ideal should be left arm, as blood pressure is a direct measment of force of the heart, presure will be lost further away from heart, the measured position is also for a convience as the atery in arm lies closer to the surface so restricting this artery and listening for the Korotkoff sound to measure the pressure is easier.

When was Closer to the Heart created?

Closer to the Heart was created in 1977-10.

Is the aortic arch closer to the base or apex of the heart?

The aortic arch is closer to the base of the heart.

Is the arm bone closer to the elbow or the shoulder?


Where does flexion of the arm occur?

Flexion of the arm occurs at the elbow joint, where the forearm moves closer to the upper arm.

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How do you adjust closer so door wont hit wall?

Adjust the length of the arm or move the door closer.

Trace the pathway of a drop of blood from the myocardium of the heart to the arm?

The myocardium does not have blood flow to the arm. The myocardium is the muscle of the heart and therefore only supplies blood to the heart.

What does at arm's length means?

It means to keep someone at a distance, as though you were putting out your arm and stopping them from coming any closer.