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Q: What are your chances of getting pregnant while on Mirena?
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What if you get Mirena and realize you are already pregnant?

If you get Mirena while you are pregnant, you must have the Mirena removed as soon as possible regardless of whether you plan to continue the pregnancy. You can get a new Mirena when the pregnancy is over.

Has anyone known anyone to get pregnant while having the Mirena for 1 plus years?

my obgyn told me that he had patients whose mirena's fell out. It is then possible to get pregnant.

How many women yearly get pregnant taking the iud mirena?

Five percent of women each year that get pregnant while taking the IUD Mirena. This is a type of birth control.

Do your chances of becoming pregnant while on the pill increase the more?

They do not. Taking the pill decreases the chance of getting pregnant, but it is still possible to become pregnant on the pill.

Does geritol affect Depo-Provera?

Depo-Provera is very effective birth control method, chances of getting pregnant while using Depo is very, very small. Geritol is a brand of vitamins that will not effect your chances of getting pregnant.

Can you get pregnant while on your Menstrual cycle on the Mrena IUD?

You don't have a normal "menstrual cycle" when on Mirena, although you may have vaginal bleeding. Pregnancy with Mirena is unlikely whether or not you are bleeding.

If i am sexually active alot and on birth control what are the risks of me being pregnant?

You really should read the packet or consult a doctor to know the chances of getting pregnant while on it.

Do you have more chances of getting pregnant off pre-ejaculate while obvulating?

Yes, there is always a increased chance of getting pregnant when ovulating. When you don't ovulate there is no egg so you can't get pregnant although a orgasm can make you ovulate again.

Can a person get pregnant after they get off of birth control pills?

Yes, you can get pregnant. While on the medication, the pills help you control or reduce your chances of getting pregnant. However, how soon you might get pregnant differs from woman to woman.

HOW TO GETpregnant while on the mirena?

Have the Mirena removed, and then have intercourse.

Is there any chances of getting pregnant if men releases his sperm in the vagine while taking bath?

Of course, if the sperm at all gets into the vagina then there is a high chance that the female will get pregnant.

Are chances higher for getting pregnant while taking prenatal vitamins?

No neither of these will effect a pregnancy test.