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It could be "thrush"- a yeast infection in your mouth. Or it could be tonsilloliths.

Tonsilloliths or "tonsil stones" are little white or yellow balls of built up food, dead white blood cells and other particles in your mouth.

Ask yourself this: - Do you have a sore throat that accompanies the white spots on your throat? - Do you have trouble swallowing or does it feel like something is stuck on the back of your throat? - And, do you have really bad breath?

If you have answered Yes to any of the above, then those white spots on your throat are most likely tonsil stones. Tonsil stones occur in some people and not in others. Experts suggest that overactive salivary glands, an excess of oral bacteria, larger tonsils and bigger tonsil crypts, or crevices, all play a factor in tonsil stones.

Tonsil stones are not life threatening or even dangerous. They are just annoying as they can be irritable and also cause embarrassment. They have quite a strong unpleasant odour caused by the build-up of bacteria. Tonsil stones, similar to tarter, will continue to grow and harden with time. While some tonsil stones are only the size of a pea, others can grow as big as a marble.

Removing tonsil stones can be quite difficult. Some people simply sneeze or flex their throat and these white spots will remove themselves. Others have to use a toothbrush, a Q-tip or their finger to scrape at the tonsil stones. Others opt to have their tonsils surgically removed or lasered if the problem becomes too much.

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13y ago
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13y ago

i know that the white stuff on your tongue is a buildup of some sort that causes bad breath. i would assume it is the same stuff.

Most people overlook cleaning their tongue but starting to do so on a regular basis can be the single most beneficial treatment for bad breath

(halitosis) that a person can institute.

Remember the breath tests we suggested you perform at the beginning of this topic? They revealed that the smell of the anterior portion of a person's tongue is usually less offensive than the smell found emanating from the posterior part.

The reason for this is related to the fact that the anterior portion of the tongue is somewhat self-cleansing and therefore less likely to harbor large numbers of odor producing bacteria. Many tongue functions require that the anterior portion of the tongue touches firmly against the hard palate. This friction produces a cleansing action, therefore preventing any significant bacterial accumulation.

The posterior portion of the tongue, in comparison, rubs up against the soft palate. And these contacts are relatively gentle.

This soft palate contact does not provide enough friction to produce any significant cleansing. And for this reason it is typically the posterior aspect of the tongue that is found to harbor the bacteria that cause a person's breath problems. Because of this, the posterior tongue is the most important area to clean.

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10y ago

If you have red bumps in the back of your throat, it may be caused by post nasal drip. It may also be an infection, or strep throat.

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16y ago

A throat infection try gargling with salt water a few times

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13y ago

this could be a sign of Tonsillitis or you have tonsil stones or somthing simular.

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12y ago

I noticed this same thing today in my throat. My wife asked me, "is it mucus?". I didn't think so, but to be sure, i swiped it with a q tip... Yup, it was mucus.

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14y ago

It could be strep throat if so its very contagious and should be treated with antibiotic's. Go to the doctors for an exam just so its not some other infection.

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12y ago

see a doctor

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Q: What are white patches in the back of the throat?
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