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Minor sleep disorders can be treated with over the counter sleep aids, but more serious disorders are treatable with melatonin.

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Q: What are treatments for people with sleep disorders?
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Related questions

Where can one receive treatment for sleep disorders?

There are many places and clinics that provide treatments for sleep disorders. Some good specilized clinics are Mayo Clinic, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Stanford University.

Who diagnoses and treats people who have sleep disorders?


What doctor diagnose and treat people who have sleep disorders?


What type of facility helps diagnose and treat people who have sleep disorders?

they are called sleep clinics.

Are there other sleep disorders besides insomnia and sleep apnea?

Yes, there are many, many sleep disorders. For example, night terrors are considered a sleep disorder. Sleepwalking is also a serious sleep disorder. People have been known to cook, eat and drive during sleepwalking. Another type of sleep disorder is Hypersomnia. This causes people to be sleepy all the time. These are only a few examples of many sleep disorders.

Ways to Reduce Sleep Disorder Symptoms Without Medication?

Sleep disorders can cause one to dread bedtime. While there are a few medical treatments, there are also a few ways that people can reduce symptoms of sleep disorders. Eating right before bedtime seems to increase instances of sleep disturbance. Try food fasting for one or two hours before bedtime. Regular sleep hours seem to help in some cases as well. Aim for the same bedtime every night.

How do you treat a metabolic disorder?

The main treatment for metabolic disorders is changing your lifestyle.There are many treatments but this one seems to be the most safe and effective for people with these disorders.

How are sleep disorders linked to age?

.Many people in their 60s and 70s experience less time in the stages of deep sleep known as delta sleep. Despite this change, many healthy older people don't experience sleep disorders. Overall health plays a role in.trouble sleeping.

How do you stop sleep disorders?

Sleep problems can be caused by disorders in various systems of the body. Therefore, people suffering from sleep disorders are treated and managed by specialists from different branches of medicine. For example, pulmonary medicine can treat people who suffer from sleep apnea, which is a respiratory disorder. Narcolepsy, which is a sleep problem caused by a neurological disorder, is treated by a neurologist. In addition to this, many rehabilitation centers and mental health facilities also offer comprehensive sleep disorder therapies. Physicians who wish to become certified in sleep disorders medicine have to comply with standards established by The American Board of Sleep Medicine.

What has the author Charles Pollak written?

Charles Pollak has written: 'The encyclopedia of sleep and sleep disorders' -- subject(s): Encyclopedias, Sleep disorders, Sleep

What treatments are there for panic disorders?

There are many different treatments that can be used for panic disorders. Some doctors argue that the patient deserves psychotherapy. Others will prescribe medication.

Treatments for psychological disorders is?

can offer significant relief