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I had severe acne, i had to go through great pain with my face for over three years. I went to the GP and asked about it, he started me on a cream for 6 months- didnt work at all, he then gave me some tablets(they werent for severe acne)- so they didnt work after 1 and a half.. Until! He told me to see a dermatoligist finally, so we went to see him and he gave me two choices, the pill, or orratane. Its now 12 months later after many blood tests and quite bad side effects..BUT my face is perfect now, and theres a 80% chance it will never come back. I never expected to because it was so bad, and scaring you can somtimes fix with special creams. == Okay, so I've had acne for the longest time ever, since, like fifth grade, I think. And I've found that the best way to get rid of it, is naturally, because I swear to god I've tried every single product [[pescriptions, over the counter, et cetera, et cetera]] until I got this natural remedies book that had a section on acne. So I was like, whoa this is great, I'm totally gonna start rubbing food on my face all the time. Just kidding...but seriously: Wash your face twice a day, once in the morning when you wake up, and once before you go to bed. But, I always wore foundation to try and cover up the fact that I had acne, so if you wear make-up then wash it off sometime in the afternoon, after school or work. Don't use medicated facewash at night, and preferrably just in the morning. And another thing that works very very well, is Apple Cider vinegar. If you dab it on your acne before you go to bed [[for best results once of twice a day]] and leave it on, it works beautifully. But it does burn a bit and makes your eyes water. Also, aloe vera gel, before you go to bed, or lemon juice, or rubbing papaya skin on your face. Just alternate these random things, don't put them all on your face every night. That would take forever and I'm not sure how well it would work. And, there are several other things like honey, honey works really good. But I've tried sleeping with it on my face...It was all over my pillows by the time I woke up. Mixing honey and cinnamon together and putting that on your face for a while, at least thirty minutes works good. Or honey by itself. And even tomatoes. If you dab the excess Tomato Juice off and leave the slices on your face it works as a toner. Oh yeah and Witch Hazel [[an astringent used for cuts and rashes]] works really well and gets rid of scars too. Actually all the other things I named get rid of scars too, especially apple cider vinegar [[it worked the best for me]]. And vitamin E oil, you can get it at beauty supply stores or health stores like GNC, if you leave that on your face for a long time daily it works well. Even though it feels greasy and gets you all paranoid that it's gonna make you break out, it totally doesn't. Just don't touch your face while it's on there, that probably would make you break out. Also if you mix nutmeg and unboiled milk into a paste and put that on pimples it gets rid of them, leave that on for about thirty minutes. And cucumber juice [[straight from cucumbers, I guess]] prevents acne, and makes your skin all fresh looking. And I guess I wouldn't recommend this for a lot of people who are not that immune to pain, but Horse Radish Sauce clears up your skin really well, but do it about once a week, just put it on your pimples and leave it on for about thirty minutes. Although it burns A LOTT for a few minutes and makes your eyes water insanely. And I also have tried putting soy sauce on my face, that works too. But you can also drink things that make your skin clear up, and if you drink them continuously, I'm sure they keep your acne from springing up. If you drink about 2 table spoons of apple cider vinegar about three times a day [[mixed with cranberry juice b/c it's disgusting without]], and drink green tea a lot, about 3-4 glasses a day, preferrably decaf. That works insanely well, it clears it up b/c of the anti-oxidants and prevents it, and it makes your skin tone even and clears up scars, also. And you can conveniently rub that used warm tea bag on your face and that works really great on acne and tightens pores and makes your face pretty, somewhat like a foundation. Also, I know it sounds cliche but drinking eight glasses a day. Idk, I think it has something to do with keeping your liver dehydrated which gives it more time to actually work better and clear out toxins better. And all of these things together can actaully help you lose weight too, without even dieting. It's crazy... But try not to dry your face out too much, don't go insane and start torturing your skin with this newly learned information. == Try these simple remedies: Wash your face with lukewarm water. You could opt for Neem based soap, Neem is known to be a good remedy for all skin related problems.

Apply fenugreek leaves paste over the face every night for sometime and wash with lukewarm water.

Usage of Aloe Vera is also suggested for Acne

Make sure that you wash off all the make-up cosmetics that have been applied before going to bed.

Applying paste of honey & cinnamom powder before sleeping & washing it off the next morning is also a good remedy

If your skin is not sensitive, you could apply lemon juice overnight and wash it of the next morning.

Wash your face with unboiled milk & gram flour

Avoid using hot or cold water on your face. Facial skin is one of the most sensitive parts of your skin and should never be washed with anything else than lukewarm water. Hot water will burn the outer layers and cause the pores to open up too much, thereby exposing yourself to even more danger. Cold water, on the other hand will force the pores to contract and you will no longer be able to clean them, thus defeating the purpose of washing. Read the full article by following the link below.

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7y ago

There are a number of ways to remove acne scars. One such is going to an expert, certified cosmetic surgeon for acne scar removal treatment. The cost varies, depending on the level of peeling desired. A dermatologist will be able to advise you. There are many options for fading or removing acne scars. Most of them will involve something you apply to your skin over a period of time. More expensive options are cosmetic procedures such as laser or dermabrasion treatments.

Acne scars will fade over time. To speed them up wear sunscreen every time you're out in the sun. There are some products, like Clinique's Clinically Proven formula and some Olay anti-aging products, which will help reduce the appearance of scars. There are laser treatments available, but you have to consult a dermatologist to determine if they will help you.

*Aside from the popular brands, there are now new products designed specifically for scar lightening. The best ones are those made from natural ingredients and free from harmful ingredients such as hydroquinone, Mercury and steroids.

Many people suffer from this and other skin conditions; you are not alone. Do not let your concerns about your outward appearance keep your from enjoying your life and relationships. People will notice you for your friendliness, respect, acceptance, and kindness toward them and overlook or forget about any physical blemishes you have. If you find yourself obsessing over this, remember that some people are missing arms or legs or worse and watch an uplifting movie about someone who has overcome great obstacles in their lives with hope and a positive attitude. This will encourage you and help to build your own self-confidence.

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11y ago

One of the best treatments for acne scars is cortisone cream which helps reduce inflammation. Over time acne scars will fade away on it's own. However if it is a major concern you may see a dermatologist for laser removal.

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14y ago

It’s always a nice feeling to know that acne is no longer an issue because you’ve simply grown out of it. However, even if there are no more blemishes to deal with, you might have noticeable, unwanted scarring left over from your earlier years. If you’re tired of worrying about the scarring and the way it makes your face look, take this advice and you’ll be quick to remove acne scars and get back to what matters most – your life.

There are two ways to go about removing acne scars, and that is to either try to naturally ward them off or professionally remove them. There is really no better or easier way to go about it, because different treatments and solutions will work for different people. Choosing to pay big bucks to get the scarring removed is completely up to you.

To professionally remove acne scars, you must first visit a dermatologist. He/she will sit down with you, examine the situation, and give you an educated recommendation about what you should do. The dermatologist might recommend different treatments including microdermabrasion, chemical peels, laser resurfacing, etc. He/she will recommend the treatment based on the severity of the scarring.

Of course, there are other alternatives to professional treatments. There are simple things you can do at home remove acne scars or even dramatically improve the appearance of them. One of the great ways to easily remove acne scars is to eat fruits and vegetables as well as drink loads of water. Fruits and vegetables come packed with the vitamins and minerals your body needs to work efficiently. Of course, you could take vitamin and mineral supplements if eating the foods would be a problem, but if you’re a fan of fruits of vegetables, this is something you could do without much effort on your part. Water also helps to replenish the skin and restore it to natural beauty without the help of anything else. Your body thrives on water, and drinking lots of it helps out in a ton of situations. Even when you are sick, it is always recommended to keep your water intake very high to quickly get over the sickness and expel it from the body.

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14y ago

Acne is a fact of life for most teenagers and many adults. Those who suffer from severe cystic acne are often left with scars even after the acne itself has cleared. Luckily, there are options available to help remove acne scars.

At-Home Remedies

If your acne scars are not severe, you might want to start with home remedies which are often less expensive and easier to apply than professional treatments. The most basic home remedies involve the use of items that you likely have in your home bathroom or kitchen. Olive oil, aloe vera and rosehip seed oil can all be applied to the skin to improve skin texture and heal scars. Massage the product into the skin twice per day to see results.

Another home remedy option is the over-the-counter medication Mederma. Mederma is a skin ointment that is massaged into scarred tissue two to four times per day. The product has been shown to cause scars to fade over time. It can take months to see results, but Mederma is a great at-home treatment option.

Professional Treatment

If your acne scars are severe or if you are not seeing results with at-home treatments, there are several professional treatment options available. Schedule an appointment with your dermatologist to discuss which option is best for you.

One professional treatment option is punch treatments. Punch treatments involve cutting out the scar tissue and either replacing missing skin with a skin graft or closing healthy skin over the wound and allowing it to heal.

A second option is subcision. Subcision involves detaching the upper layers of the skin from the lower layers, which allows blood to flow. This treatment is usually done with scars that create depressions or holes in the skin.

Chemical peels are another option. In a chemical peel, acid is applied to the skin to remove the top most layer of skin. This treatment is good for mild scarring.

The cost of these treatments varies greatly. Be sure to consult with your dermatologist to determine which course of treatment is right for you.

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13y ago

There Are Laser Surgery's Available.

You can also do microderm treatment at home at low cost

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9y ago

There are some creams that improve acne scars, and laser treatments (though expensive) can sometimes be very effective.

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11y ago

One kind of laser procedure that will remove acne scars is called focal acne scar treatment - or the F.A.S.T. technique. This technique will be treating a fraction of the skin.

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12y ago

Chemical peeling

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Q: What are treatments for acne scars?
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What are the advantages one can get out of the acne LASER treatments?

Acne Laser treatments have their advantages of rejuvenated skin and less scars. Acne Laser treatments lessens the need of creams and lotions plus lifts the morale and lessens depression and often tiredness due to stress of acne.

How many sessions of acne laser treatment are usually required?

Acne laser treatments need to be given, for most people, only given once; a consultation with a doctor about your acne severity may answer your question. Usually 2 to 7 treatments sessions are required to see a significant improvement in acne scars. These treatments are scheduled once a month.

Can dezor shampoo help clear acne and acne scars?

I am not really sure if this effective for acne and acne scars.

Where can I find acne scar treatment?

You can find effective acne scar treatments at dermatology clinics and specialized skincare centers. Treatments such as laser therapy, chemical peels, microneedling, and dermal fillers can significantly reduce the appearance of scars. Consult with a dermatologist to determine the best option for your skin type and scar severity. For top-notch care, consider visiting Dr. Health Clinic for personalized acne scar treatment solutions.

What are some remedies for acne scars?

There are many new treatments or remedies for acne scars. A more natural cost effective remedy would be pure Vitamin E oil. If one was looking for a more medicated approach Mederma would work also.

Are there any effective home treatments to remove acne scars?

Yes, there are home treatments to reduce the appearance of acne scars. There are creams, both over-the-counter and prescription, that can be used. Vitamin E supplements have also been shown to reduce the appearance of scars. You should speak with a dermatologist in order to decide what products may work best for you. Cocoa butter and vitamin E are both helpful in removing scars, as well as many other blemishes and skin marks.

What are some common types of acne scars?

Most scars from acne are atrophic. Ice-pick, rolling, and box-car scars are the three primary categories into which atrophic scars can be divided. The most prevalent kind of atrophic acne scars (60–70%) are known as "ice-pick scars."

Does oil cause acne and will it help with acne scars?

Yes,oil causes acne.and I'm not sure it will help with acne scars but if you pop a pimple,you will end up with an acne scar.

Does a lemon clear acne scars?

Yes it will cure acne scars, but you must be very careful, it can burn your skin as well.

What are the latest treatments and products developed to remove acne scars?

The latest advancements in acne scar removal is laser treatement. The newest laser treatments involve very targeted laser beams, which don't affect large areas. It is the fastest and most effective treatment, however, it can be expensive.

Can acne scars fade?


Can adapalene removes acne scars?

no its not