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Q: What are treatments for Neuromuscular diseases?
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J. Bethlem has written: 'Neuromuscular diseases' -- subject(s): Diagnosis, Neuromuscular diseases

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Kenneth F. Swaiman has written: 'Neuromuscular diseases of infancy and childhood' -- subject(s): Neuromuscular diseases in children 'Pediatric neurology' -- subject(s): Pediatric neurology

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Robert C. Griggs has written: 'Baker and Joynt's Clinical Neurology 2004 CD' 'Evaluation and treatment of myopathies' -- subject(s): Diagnosis, Diseases, Muscles, Neuromuscular diseases, Neuromuscular manifestations of general diseases, Therapy

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W. C. Bowman has written: 'Neuromuscular Blocking Agents: Past, Present, and Future' 'Pharmacology of neuromuscular function' -- subject(s): Anesthetics, Chemotherapy, Drug effects, Effect of drugs on, Effect of drugs on., Muscles, Neural transmission, Neuromuscular Junction, Neuromuscular blocking agents, Neuromuscular diseases, Neuromuscular transmission, Pharmacology, Physiological effect, Physiology 'Pharmacology of neuromuscular function with special reference to anesthetic practice' -- subject(s): Anesthetics, Effect of drugs on, Effect of drugs on., Neuromuscular blocking agents, Neuromuscular transmission, Physiological effect 'Textbook of pharmacology' -- subject(s): Pharmacology

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This point is often called the neuromuscular junction or motor end plate. ?The neurotransmitter used here is acetylcholine.Many diseases occur with dysfunction at this junction, like Myesthenia Gravis, botulism, or Lambert Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome.

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Neuromuscular response refers to the communication between the nervous system and muscles that allows for movement and coordination. It involves the transmission of signals from the brain to the muscles, leading to muscle contractions and coordinated movement. This response is essential for tasks such as walking, running, and lifting objects.

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i like money i give it to myself

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