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Those symbolize his whiskers; he's a fox demon.

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Q: What are those black marks over naruto?
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What causes black marks on wall over radiator?

Having limited information...the black marks may be the result of warm water vapor condensating on the cooler wall surface and allowing for a mold to grow. If this is the case, you can clean the area with a dilute solution of bleach and water.

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just use personna soap which is from Amway, its really worthable......

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Is Naruto manga over?

Yes and no. The manga entitled Naruto is complete however, the story of Naruto continues in Part 2 which has been entitled Naruto Shippuden.

What day will Naruto be back on cartoonetwork?

Naruto is over. But you could catch Naruto Shippuden on Disney XD starting October 28th.

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sasuke,because in all there battles sasuke won over half

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How do you beat Sasuke to get the fifth mirror in Naruto path of ninja 2?

Go to the front line and use naruto's jutsu's over and over.