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Q: What are these large red itchy mosquito-size bumps on butt cheeks that have spread to testicles and shaft of penis?
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How do you get rid of hair bumps on your testicles?

There are products out in stores that will do it for you. Research it somemore.

You have blisters or bumps around your anal opening on the inside of your butt cheeks What could it be?

it could be herpes, you should seek medical advice

What is involved in a testicular self-exam?

The testicles are gently rolled and massaged between the fingers and thumb to feel for bumps, swelling, tenderness, or irregularities.

What bug leaves red bumps on you when they bite and can be spread to person to person?

bed bugs

What kind of itchy bumps turn into a rash an spread?

Smallpox, Chickenpox, Monkeypox, Cowpox

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what is the cause and treatment of little reddish pinkish rash bumps that appear just around the stomach and spread to the bac with itching?

What are these hard intensely itchy fluid-filled bumps that spread on the knudkles of the hand?

Vesicular Exema

Will you get bumps on your areolas if you are pregnant?

Yes. The bumps you're referring to are called Montgomery glands or Montgomery's tubercles, and they can become more prominent during pregnancy. These bumps can resemble pimples and can spread out sporadically around the areola. The number of the bumps can range anywhere from around four up to 28 or so per areola.

Does anybody have redness on their cheeks back area close to ears and really small bumps on their cheeks NO this is not acne or blemishes you can see it like acne but skin is not smooth?

Yes, you should see a dermatologist and you may also have an allergic reaction to the laundry detergent you're washing your sheets in. This happened to my friend's kids -- they all suddenly got the really small bumps on their cheeks and it wasn't acne. Turned out the laundry detergent was being over used --switch to a hypo-allergenic formula (clear no fragrance) see if that helps. You should check in with a dermatologist. It could be rosacea or another skin condition that can be treated.

A mammogram is the best way for men to detect testicular cancer?

That is not correct. A mammogram is an x-ray of the mammaries (breasts) and is used to detect abnormal growths in the breast that may be a sign of Breast cancer. Checking for cancer of the testicles is done by physical inspection with your fingers for lumps, bumps and changes in the size, shape or consistency of the testicles. If anything not normal is noticed, you should see a urologist or your family doctor.

What is posin ivy?

poison ivy is a piousness plant that gives you itchy bumps all over you body and is very easy to spread

What are these little bumps sore bumps that have suddenly appeard and spread on your hands?

If they are itchy and blister like, they are viral and will go away. However, it's kind of like herpes and will return. Usually from stress. A dermatologist can give you or whoever cream that will suppress it.