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type one and type two.

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Q: What are the two types of diabetes?
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Is diabetes mellitus rare?

The rare types of diabetes are diabetes myelitis and diabetes insipidus. To pioneer ongoing research and developments in diabetes, Central BioHub presents wide range of human biospecimens collected from different patients diagnosed with diabetes. To earn more visit our website Central

What is two types of diabetes?

type 1 and type 2

Name of disorder of diabetes?

If you mean type, Type one and Type two diabetes, the only disorders or types there are.

What is a person called with diabetes?

Usually, a person with diabetes is called a 'diabetic'. Though, there are two types of diabetes. To differentiate between the two, you would either say he/she is a 'type one diabetic' or a 'type two diabetic'.

Is the diabetes mellitus inherited?

Yes, it can be an inherited disease. Among the two types, the Diabetes type 2 is the inherited type of diabetes that is usually passed from generation to generation.

What are the precautions people need to take if they have both type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

You do not have two types of diabetes at the same time.

Why is there two types of diabetes?

Because there are two different versions of diabetes with different levels of severity. People with diabetes type two for example, can control their blood glucose level with proper diet. People with Diabetes type one, however, need to take insulin medication to control their blood glucose level.

Is diabetes an infectious?

No, all types of diabetes are not contagious.

Two types of diabetes?

Type 1 and Type 2. p.s. there is also a type 3

How many types of diabetic?

The types of Diabetes are type 1 with sub type -brittle diabetes, type 2 and juvenile diabetes, type 3 (under research) , and Gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

What is the best drug for diabetes?

If you have been diagnoised with diabetes your doctor should have put you on a regiment of either pills or insulin injections. There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2, both are treated differently, so we need to know if you have been diagnoised with diabetes and which type of diabetic you are before anything can be said concernng the types of teatments for diabetes. Cheyzer

What are the differences between the two types of diabetes?

There are several different types of diabetes, however the most common are type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes typically has an onset before the age of 20. Type 2 diabetes is more common in adults and is usually the result of poor diet and lifestyle rather than a specific condition.