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Q: What are the two systems the removal of the liver most drastically effect?
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The main organ for the removal of hormones from the blood is the?

The main organ for the removal of hormones from the blood is the liver. The liver processes hormones and breaks them down so they can be excreted from the body.

What are the liver systems?

The liver is part of both the digestive and exocrine systems.

What is the removal of a small amount of liver to examine for disease?

A liver biopsy.

Percutaneous removal of liver followed by microscopic examination?

Liver biopsy.

What is the medical term meaning surgical removal of the right lung?

hepatectomyThe medical term for the removal of the liver is called "liver resection".Liver resection is the surgical removal of a portionof the liver. Hepatectomy is the complete removal of the liver and is only done as part of a liver transplant since the liver is necessary for survival.The liver is an organ vital to the human body, and as such, it can not be removed entirely. A portion may, however, be removed for a variety of conditions. This procedure is known as a "liver resection".hepaectomy

What is the medical term meaning surgical removal of half the liver?

Hemihepatectomy is the medical term meaning surgical removal of half or a lobe of the liver.

What is a hepactectomy?

A hepactectomy is the surgical removal of the liver

What is a total hepatectomy?

Removal of the entire liver (total hepatectomy) and liver transplantation can be used to treat liver cancer.

What is the one organ that is concerned with the waste removal the toes the liver or the lungs?

Liver and the lungs.

How can alcohol effect your liver?

yes it can affect your liver

What causes the initial rapid weight loss of the Atkins diet?

usually due to water loss. Drastically reducing the amount of carbohydrate intake causes liver and muscle glycogen loss, which has a strong but temporary diuretic effect

What are all the systems the liver is in?

The Liver is in the Digestive system, and the Endocrine system.