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Stomach ulers are usually characterized by pain just below the breastbone that comes and goes. It can even wake you from your sleep. You may also feel very bloated, or "full" after a meal.

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Q: What are the two most common symptoms for ulcers?
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There are two common types of ulcers: Stomach ulcers and pressure ulcers (bed sores). Stomach ulcers usually consist of stomach pain that gets worse after eating. These can be commonly treated with over the counter antacids. Pressure ulcers are most commonly found in people who spend multiple days in bed at a time. They are caused from putting pressure on bony areas for prolonged periods. These can be prevented by moving patients in a bed so that they do not put too much pressure on one area of their body for too long.

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How long does the commone cold stay contageous?

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What are the symptoms of a faulty erg valve?

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