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The function of the respiratory system is to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. You breath in air that is rich in oxygen and your lungs move it into the blood to go throughout your body. Then your lungs extract carbon dioxide from the blood and you breath it out.

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15y ago

In normal healthy animal respiration, oxygen (O2) is taken in and carbon dioxide (CO2) is expelled. Many other gases are exchanged, but these are the gases essential in respiration to sustain animal life.

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12y ago

Oxygen (O2) is taken up, carbon dioxide (CO2) is given off.

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Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide

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In normal healthy animal respiration, oxygen (O2) is taken in and carbon dioxide (CO2) is expelled. Many other gases are exchanged, but these are the gases essential in respiration to sustai...

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Q: What are the two gases that are exchanged during the breathing process?
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What gases are exchanged in lungs during breathing?

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are the gases exchanged in the lungs during breathing.

What gases are exchanged in the lungs during breathing?

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are the gases exchanged in the lungs during breathing.

What two gases are exchanged during the breathing process?

Carbon-di oxide are you a fool bozo

What two gaves are exchaged during the lereathing process?

During the breathing process, the two gases exchanged are oxygen and carbon dioxide. Oxygen is inhaled into the lungs and then transferred into the bloodstream, while carbon dioxide is carried from the bloodstream into the lungs to be exhaled.

What does oxygen and carbon dioxide have in common?

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are both gases that play important roles in the process of respiration. Oxygen is needed for cells to produce energy, while carbon dioxide is a waste product of this process that needs to be removed from the body. Both gases are exchanged in the lungs during breathing.

What's the process where gases are exchanged in the lungs?

Its called respiration. Oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide.

By what fundamental process are gases exchanged in respiratory systems?

its diffusion

What gases are exchanged in the lings during breathing?

The primary gases we breath are Oxygen (21%), Nitrogen (78%) and "others" (1%). The gases exchanged in the lungs are Carbon Dioxide (CO2) with Oxygen (O2) blood cells carry Oxygen to replace the CO2 that our body produces through metabolism, muscle movement and all other activity.141038-1110O

What gases are exchanged in respiratory system?

The gases that are exchanged are oxygen and carbon dioxide.

What is the scientific term of breathing in?

The scientific term for breathing in is inhalation. This is the process of taking air or other gases into the lungs.

What gases are exchanged in the respiratory system?

The gases that are exchanged are oxygen and carbon dioxide.

What are the gases exchanged in the air sac's?

your m0m and your dad are the 2 gases that are exchanged in the sacs of air, thank me later so by by