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the pancreas and liver..

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Q: What are the three main types of tissues that respond to insulin well and help lower blood glucose level?
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What tissues are least affected by insulin?

Brain tissue is least affected by insulin because it does not rely on insulin for glucose uptake. Additionally, red blood cells and the cornea in the eye also do not require insulin for glucose uptake.

What causes glucose to be removed from blood?

Glucose is removed from the blood mainly through insulin-mediated processes. Insulin facilitates glucose uptake by cells for energy production, storage, or conversion into glycogen or fat. Additionally, glucose may also be removed from the blood via processes like hepatic glucose output or uptake by tissues such as the brain.

The first organ to respond to rise in glucose blood level?


Where is GLUT4 found?

GLUT4 is the insulin-regulated glucose transporter found in adipose tissues and striated muscles (skeletal and cardiac) that is responsible for insulin-regulated glucose disposal."Allows equilibrium with blood-bidirectional".

What hormone is secreted when blood glucose is high?

Insulin is the hormone that is secreted when blood glucose levels are high. Insulin helps to lower blood glucose levels by signaling cells to take up glucose from the bloodstream for energy or storage.

What condition leads to an excess of glucose and lipids in the blood?

Insulin resistance, a condition where cells do not respond properly to insulin, can lead to an excess of glucose and lipids in the blood. This can result in high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) and elevated levels of blood lipids, increasing the risk of conditions like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

What type of hormone is insulin?

It is an endocrine (released within the body to affect other distant tissues) hormone that lowers blood glucose.

What does pancreas secrete when blood glucose falls?

Pancreas detects blood glucose level by its cells called "Islets of Langerhans." When the blood glucose level is too high, it releases insulin. When it becomes too low, the pancreas then releases glucagon to elevate a low blood glucose.

What is functions of glucagon and insulin?

Insulin decrease blood glucose level.Glucon increase glucose level.

What hormones are involved in blood glucose regulation?

Insulin and glucagon are the main hormones involved in blood glucose regulation. Insulin helps lower blood glucose levels by facilitating the uptake of glucose into cells, while glucagon helps raise blood glucose levels by promoting the breakdown of glycogen into glucose.

Insulin secretion is stimulated by blood glucose concentrations?

Yes, insulin secretion is stimulated by elevated blood glucose concentrations. Elevated blood glucose levels trigger the release of insulin from the beta cells in the pancreas, which helps to facilitate the uptake and storage of glucose by cells in the body.

When blood glucose level rises the pancreas secretes insulin and as a result blood glucose level declines When blood glucose level is low the pancreas secretes glucagon and as a result blood gluc?

Insulin decrease glucose level.Glucogon increase glucose level.