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Usually, bladder infections symptoms include having to go a lot, but when you try, not much comes out. Bladder infections sometimes has stomach pain, tiredness, and pain when going to the bathroom.

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Q: What are the symptoms to bladder infections?
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Where can I information on bladder infections and diseases that effect the bladder?

You can find symptoms of Urinary Tract, and Bladder Infections at

How are kidney infection symptoms related to bladder infections?

Kidney infection symptoms can include chills and shaking, fever, nausea and vomiting, and fatigue. Kidney infections are caused by a spreading of a bladder infection.

Treating Bladder Infections?

Bladder infections can cause pain and burning upon urination, pelvic pain, an increase or decrease in urinary output, and sometimes blood in the urine. Treating bladder infections typically includes the administration of oral antibiotics and drinking plenty of water. Cranberry juice may also help alleviate symptoms of bladder infections as may taking an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication. Systemic symptoms of bladder infections include fever, chills, nausea and muscle pain. Although antibiotics are effective in treating symptoms of bladder infection, they can cause side effects such as nausea and diarrhea. The entire course of antibiotics must be completed to make sure that the bladder infection has resolved.

What are the main symptoms of bladder infections?

The main symptoms of bladder infections include needing to urinate often, a burning feeling while urinating, and passing small amounts of urine at a time despite your need to go. Other symptoms include a cloudy color, blood in the urine and a foul smell.

What are the signs and symptoms of bladder cancer?

According to webMD, symptoms of cancer in the bladder include: blood or blood clots in the urine, urinating frequently only small amounts, pain when urinating, and frequent urinary tract infections. Some symptoms that indicate bladder cancer also indicate other bladder conditions.

How do I know if I have a bladder infection?

There are a number of symptoms of bladder infections. In order to find out more I would suggest speaking to your doctor, a nurse, or perhaps going to a website like Web MD that could tell you the symptoms.

Where can someone find the symptoms of a urinary bladder infection?

One can find the symptoms of a urinary bladder infection from sites such as WebMD, Mayo Clinic, and the National Institute of Health. One should also contact his or her doctor for any concerns about urinary bladder infections.

How do you know the diff between a bladder infection and a yeast infection?

The main symptom of a yeast infection is itchiness. There is over-the-counter medication that cures most yeast infections, but they also have stronger prescription medication if you have a more resistant strain. The main symptoms of a bladder infection surrounds urination. When i get them, I feel like i have to pee a lot more often and more urgently (even though i dont need to and may not even be able to), and in more severe cases it is painful to pee. Bladder infections can be caused by not urinating after sex, and in one case the symptoms hit me 12 hours after the act. I get the antibiotic ciprofloxacin prescribed, which should resolve the problem within 3 days.

What are the most common symptoms of bladder infections?

The most common symptom of a bladder infection is if you have a burning sensation when you go pee. Lots of the time, a bladder infection occurs in sexually active women. This is because the infection is caused by a type of bacteria.

I have been drinking a lot of Gatorade is that bad for a bladder infection?

I am not sure Gatorade can be a cause of bladder infections but in my experience it has been a contributing factor to bladder irritation.

What are some symptoms of bladder cancer?

Symptoms of bladder cancer include blood or blood clots in urine. If it's painful to urinate that may also be another sign of bladder cancer. It can be caused by smoking or even radiation from chemo. Speak with your doctor if you are suffering from these syptoms or have a family history of bladder cancer.

Can the liver cause bladder infections?
