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Q: What are the symptoms that a person might be having an allergic reaction?
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What do you give a person who has allergic reaction?

Allergy medications such as Zyrtec or benadryl. This will help ease the symptoms of the allergic reaction.

What kind of symptoms can a person get from having black mold in their home?

An allergic reaction to black mold can be serious and fatal,trouble breathing is a big warning sign.

Can a person have an allergic reaction to camphor?

Yes, a person can have an allergic reaction to camphor. I myself am allergic.

What are the symptoms of an allergic reaction to honey?

There are no specific symptoms relating to honey or other foods (unless an anaphylactic shock had been triggered). Symptoms of allergy or food intolerance tend to vary from person to person although some symptoms are commonly shared.

What kind of allergic reaction do you get if you are allergic to watermelon. Or what can you get?

It depends on the person

What Kinds of Chemicals can Cause an Allergic Reaction?

Allergic reactions depend on a person's immune response and biological reactions. This means that all chemicals has the potential to trigger at least one person's allergic reaction.

Can a normal person have an allergic reaction to someone who has psoriasis?


Can a person be allergic to rust?

No, it's a simple molecule, too small to cause an allergic reaction.

Can a person have an allergic reaction when drinking parsley tea?


Does an antigen cause an allergic reaction?

Only if the person is already allergic to that antigen. Not if they are immune to the antigen. The word antigen refers to the protein that joins with the antibody. If the antibody is of the allergic type (IgE) then an allergic reaction will happen and if the antibody is of the immune type (IgG, IgM or IgA) then there won't be an allergic reaction.

Can an allergic skin reaction spread?

No. You can not spread an allergic skin reaction. You can, however, spread the irritant or chemical that may cause an allergic skin reaction if your clothing or other items have the irritant or chemical in or on them and the person is sensitive or allergic to it. I don't know why you say No, its contagious. if you want Natural remedies for skin allergies please visit

Can soda ash cause an allergic reaction?

Yes, anything can cause an allergic reaction. It depends entirely on if the person being exposed to the soda ash is sensitive to it.