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The symptoms of stage 4 cirrhosis can vary from person to person. Symptoms generally include a lack of energy, brown colored urine, and yellowing of the skin and eyes.

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Q: What are the symptoms of stage 4 cirrosis?
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What are the symptoms of stage 4?

The symptoms of stage 4 cirrhosis can vary from person to person. Symptoms generally include a lack of energy, brown colored urine, and yellowing of the skin and eyes.

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Some of the Stage 4 COPD symptoms include chronic cough with a lot of mucus. COPD stage 4 has severe shortness of breath and often is combined with the colouring of blue in the skin. People with COPD stage 4 often will have weight loss and is life threatening during flare ups.

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How could one recognize the commencement of cirrosis?

One could recognize the commencement of Chirrosis by the symptoms listed here, Yellowing of the skin, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, itching, bruising easily. Some may have all of these symptoms and others may experience only a portion of the symptoms listed.

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In the earliest stage of an HIV infection the symptoms are identical to the flu, but once it enters the asymptomatic stage there are no symptoms until it becomes active again and the immune system begins to fail. That is why it is called the asymptomatic stage (i.e. without symptoms).

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