Spinal Stenosis, also known as spinal canal stenosis causes symptoms which may include spinal claudication, loss of bladder or bowel function, sensory changes in the lower back and perineal area, impotence and weakness in the lower limbs. Spinal claudication is buttock and leg pain coming on with walking and eased by resting not related to vascular cause.
The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body, running from the lower lumbar area all the way down through the lower leg. When the sciatic nerve becomes inflamed and causes pain, this condition is known as "Sciatica." Sciatica is typically caused by a herniated disc in the lumbar area, but it can also be caused by tumors, internal bleeding, muscular injury and more.
Sciatica is hard to diagnose because the pain it causes can range from a sharp, stabbing feeling to complete numbness. It's also difficult because the pain itself can be felt anywhere along the path of the sciatic nerve. Symptoms of Sciatica include numbness or pain in the lower back, buttocks, hamstring area, hips and even the lower area of the leg, such as the calf. Any one of these symptoms can be indicative of Sciatica, so diagnostic methods such as a CT scan, MRI or an electromyogram are necessary to properly identify true sciatic nerve issues.
Aside from pain anywhere along the path of the sciatic nerve, Sciatica can be characterized by difficulty walking. This difficulty, or even impossibility, to walk can be caused by the numbness, weakness or intense pain caused by Sciatica. Sometimes, walking or bending can make the symptoms and injury worse. In some extreme cases, Sciatica can result in loss of bowel control. This is especially true when the condition is caused by a severely herniated disc.
Patients suffering from Sciatica can benefit from pain management methods, including prescription drugs or administration of epidural blocks in the case of herniated disc. While this can help alleviate the symptoms, a true long term cure for sciatic nerve problems is only possible by treating the underlying cause. Since Sciatica is a symptom and not a disease itself, the issue causing the sciatic nerve to become inflamed must be determined and repaired. If, for example, the sciatica is caused by muscular problems, patients can benefit from stretching, conditioning and lower back strengthening exercises. If, however, the sciatic nerve inflammation is caused by a bulging herniated disc, an operation to repair or remove the injured disc may be necessary in order to cure the Sciatica for good.
Signs and symptoms of spinal cancer include Back pain, muscle weakness, and difficulty walking. Loss of sensation, paralysis, and difficulty standing are also symptoms of spinal cancer.
What are the symptoms of brain an lung cancer
There are many types of cancer. Each of these types of cancer can present completely different symptoms to another.
The symptoms of cancer in Virginia are the same as in any other state or country.
Some symptoms include discomfort at looking at bright lights, sleepiness, confusion, nausea and/or vomiting, headaches, and high fevers. http://nervous-system.emedtv.com/spinal-meningitis/spinal-meningitis.html
The most common symptoms of spinal stenosis include pain or numbness of the back or legs when walking or running and an inability to prevent sudden falls.
Spinal cord cells can never reproduce if they're damaged while cancer cells replicate incredibly fast.
Symptoms of breast cancer are frequent migraines, nausea, your breast become swollen and you can feel it taking a toll on your body. Look out for these symptoms.
Medical Cancer signs will depend on the type of cancer. For instance breast cancer symptoms will be pain in breast, lump in breast. Lung cancer will show the symptoms like coughing, chest pain
spinal meningitis is very devastating. early symptoms include repeated headaches, constant fever, neck pains or an outbreak of a rash. long term symptoms are vomiting, nausea, restless sleeping, or discomfort to brightness.
i believe that headaches are one symptom.
There are not a lot of symptoms for spinal stenosis and those that do exist develop slowly. The main indicator of this ailment is leg pain that is relieved when the person lays down or bends over.