I would say have sex allot and would do it with anyone and if someone can't stop thinking about it and choose it over kids wife hobby's etc
The first sign is missing your period. But after you have sex you have a month maybe a month in a half til you start having symptoms.
It's sex.
No the pregnancy test lone will not tell you the sex of the baby.
Hello. No. Some women begin to feel pregnancy symptoms after the embryo has implanted. But you wont feel symptoms till the embryo has begun releasing HCG which is over a week after having sex.
The same as for anybody else! 2 weeks after sex is the earliest pregnancy symptoms would appear. However, for most people they do not start getting symptoms until 4-6 weeks after sex.
parasites cause those symptoms
Can you have pregnancy symptoms in first week after having sex
After symptoms are immediate, however signs of pregnancy won't be noticeable until about 2 months after
Sex Over the Phone was created in 1985.
You can not see on a person if they have had sex or if they are still virgins.