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everybody i s different but most women will have cramps in their lower belly and/or a backache also low down. some women have diharrea or vomiting and your breasts can also be sore

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Q: What are the symptoms of having a first period?
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Can you find your pregnancy symptoms before your period?

The first symptoms of pregnancy normally come just after your first missed period, but the most common symptom is feeling tired and having this feeling that you are pregnant.

How long after sex can you get pregnancy symptoms?

The first sign is missing your period. But after you have sex you have a month maybe a month in a half til you start having symptoms.

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If you are having a regular period, you are not pregnant.

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Usually you get PMS symptoms about a week before your period is due to start.

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Bloated feling could be due to your approaching period. Some people can start having symptoms just prior to their first missed period. Most women don't have symptoms that early, but it is possible.

Should you be prepared when you have your period?

Yes. When you are about the age and have symptoms of having your first menstrual period, you should start carrying feminine products in your backpack/purse so that you can have something at hand to absorb the menstrual blood.

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"Morning sickness" and tender breasts are two classic early symptoms of pregnancy. It can be a possiblity. But, you can not be completely sure unless checked or you miss your next period. Symptoms of pregnancy, are also the same symptoms women can get from just having their period as they are a sign of PMS.

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Can you have pregnancy symptoms in first week after having sex

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The time between a pathogen invasion and the first symptoms appearing is called the incubation period. During this period, the pathogen is actively multiplying within the body before symptoms become noticeable.

What is the incubation period for chlamydia?

The incubation period -- the time between getting infected and having symptoms -- is one to three weeks for chlamydia in those people who get symptoms. But 80-90% of females and half of males get no symptoms.

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You should go to the doctor immediately. Could be having a miscarriage. Or, pregnancy symptoms are very similar to period symptoms. Did you start your period?

If You have been having pregnancy symptoms for 2-3 weeks now period came on heavy went off now brown discharge and still having symptoms could it be pregnancy?
