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my answer would be swelling of the eyelids, bad

fever ,vomiting ,discoloration of the tounge

and even death

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Q: What are the symptoms of eating mold?
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Can chihuahuas die from eating mold?

It may die from eating mold.

How long will it take to get ill after eating moldy bread?

Symptoms of illness from eating moldy bread can vary depending on individual health and the type of mold. However, symptoms may start to appear within a few hours up to a day or two after consumption. If you suspect mold exposure, seek medical attention if symptoms persist or worsen.

How serious are the symptoms of mold allergies?

Some people have extremely serious symptoms of mold allergies. It varies from person to person.

When your house is infested with mold what are the health symptoms?

When a home is infested with mold can cause respiratory symptoms. Other symptoms that are common are allergy like symptoms of itchy eyes and runny nose.

Are black mold symptoms similiar to allergy symptoms?

Several of the symptoms are similar for both problems. However, with black mold, symptoms include memory loss and less brain function.

Is mold on food a physical reaction?

No, the mold is a fungus and it is eating the food.

What are some medical symptoms associated with black mold?

The primary symptoms of black mold exposure are allergy-type symptoms such as runny nose, hives, teary eyes, etc.

Is eating molded cheese harmful?

if it has mold on it you cant eatif it has mold on it you can eat

What are some symptoms of bad mold?

Some symptoms of bad mold are runny nose to asthma. some bad mold can trigger allergic rhinitis, also skin problems, itchy eyes, and breathing problems.

What are the symptoms of black mold poisoning?

Some symptoms of black mold poisoning are memory loss, headaches, cough and rashes or hives amongst other things.

I think that I might have some mold symptoms. Where can I go to further educated myself on this issue?

You can further educate yourself on mold systems by going to WebMD. That website offers you a list of symptoms and causes of mold infection and treatments.

Is eating a banana with mold on the peeling harmful?

Yes because the mold could inflict the editible part and you could eat the mold.