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Symptoms of dysgeusia include decreased acuity of the sense of taste or the distorted perception of an odd taste. Complete loss of taste sensation is relatively rare.

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Q: What are the symptoms of dysgeusia?
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What is the adjective for no taste?

tasteless, I guess

Can dysgeusia be cured?

Dysgeusia secondary to infection or reversible conditions like Bell's palsy may improve partially or completely with resolution of the infection or condition.

What drugs may cause dysgeusia?

Examples of drugs that are known to cause dysgeusia include lithium, penicillamine, procarbazine, rifampin, vinblastine, vincristine, captopril, griseofulvin, and thyroid medications.

What is dysgeusia?

Dysgeusia is a condition characterized by a distortion or alteration in the sense of taste, where things may taste bitter, metallic, or just different than usual. It can be a side effect of certain medications, chemotherapy, pregnancy, or underlying health conditions like infections or neurological disorders.

What are the drug interactions with Zopliclone and Arapiprazole?

Insomnia, Suicidal Ideation, Dysgeusia ... source: Suicidal Ideation

Why are you not able to taste salt?

If your sides start to hurt, go to the emergency room

What would cause a nagging smoky taste in the mouth of a non-smoker?

Called dysgeusia. Some people smell/taste smoke, others describe it as being metallic. Common causes include sinus infections, viruses, medications, gum disease, diet. Symptoms can disappear after a few weeks or they can be permanent.

What is the medical term meaning metallic taste in the mouth especially after being bitten by a mamba?

Dysgeusia is the medical term for a metallic taste in the mouth. If this symptom occurs after being bitten by a mamba snake, it could be due to the venom affecting the taste buds and causing this sensation.

What is smelling metal a symptom of?

Smelling metal can be a symptom of a condition called dysgeusia, which is a distortion of the sense of taste. It can be caused by various factors such as medication side effects, neurological disorders, or dental issues. It is recommended to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

What kind of symptoms are there?

There are all kinds of symptoms there are respitory symptoms which have to do with your lungs and breathing. there are cardio symptoms which have to do with your heart there are skin symptoms (eg. rashes bullas blisters ETC). there are neurological symptoms which have to do with your brain. there are Nephrological symptoms which have to do with your kidneys and the filtration of blood and there are urinary symptoms which deal with your bladder

What are the symptoms to know that a woman is asymptomatic?

The word "asymptomatic" means "without symptoms." So it has no symptoms. If a woman has no symptoms, she is asymptomatic.