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Q: What are the symptoms of diaphragm spasm?
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Related questions

What is common name for spasm of diaphragm?

a hiccup.

What were some ancient explanations for hiccups?

A spasm of the diaphragm

When you get the wind knocked out of you what part of your body has a spasm?

After getting the wind knocked out of you, the diaphragm muscle, which helps with breathing, can spasm or go into a temporary paralysis. This spasm can make it difficult to breathe and can cause the sensation of not being able to catch your breath.

What happens to your body that makes you get the hiccups?

From an involuntary spasm of your diaphragm

What make you hiccup?

Hiccups happen when the breathing center activates the diaphragm to inhale air, while the epiglottis at this point gets the wrong signal and closes the windpipe/trachea

What cuases hiccups?

Hiccups are caused when you have contractions of the diaphragm. The diaphragm is what makes your lungs take in oxygen and expel it.

What are the symptoms of a hemifacial spasm?

There are many symptoms of a hemifacial spasm. They include muscle movement in the patient's eyelid and around the eye. The muscle movement can vary in intensity.

What is the medical term meaning reflex spasm of the diaphragm?

Hiccough or Hiccup.Singultus is the medical term meaning involuntary contraction of the diaphragm. The lay term is hiccup.

Why do people get the hickkups?

With the contraction of the diaphragm by spasm the inhaling of air is stopped suddenly the gap in the vocal cords reduce during the contraction of diaphragm which causes a hiccup and the process is repeated

What can cause intermittant midabdominal pain?

What that could be is diaphragm pain. Most people don;t realize that their diaphragm is really a muscle and it can get sore or go into spasm, like other muscles.

How hiccups work?

A hiccup is the involuntary spasm of the diaphragm. I am 100% sure this is the correct answer. I am no doctor but I once saw it on mastermind :D

How do you get kiccups?

Hiccups are caused by a spasm of the diaphragm, the muscle beneath your lungs that helps you breathe. This spasm can be triggered by eating too quickly, swallowing air, or even emotional stress.