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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Avian Flu in Birds:

Avian influenza is an infectious disease of birds caused by type A strains of the influenza virus. The disease occurs worldwide. While all birds are thought to be susceptible to infection with avian influenza viruses, many wild bird species carry these viruses with no apparent signs of harm.

Other bird species, including domestic poultry, develop disease when infected with avian influenza viruses. In poultry, the viruses cause two distinctly different forms of disease - one common and mild, the other rare and highly lethal. In the mild form, signs of illness may be expressed only as ruffled feathers, reduced egg production, or mild effects on the respiratory system. Outbreaks can be so mild they escape detection unless regular testing for viruses is in place.

In contrast, the second and far less common highly pathogenic form is difficult to miss. First identified in Italy in 1878, highly pathogenic avian influenza is characterized by sudden onset of severe disease, rapid contagion, and a mortality rate that can approach 100% within 48 hours. In this form of the disease, the virus not only affects the respiratory tract, as in the mild form, but also invades multiple organs and tissues. The resulting massive internal haemorrhaging has earned it the lay name of "chicken Ebola".

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15y ago

Symptoms of bird flu * Fever * Sore throat * Muscle aches * Headache * Lethargy * Conjunctivitis (eye infections) * Breathing problems * Chest pains

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How is the avian flu transmitted?

birds get bird flu by getting diseases from ship countries such as china. birds get bird flu from transported birds, so your birds catch the disease

Is bird flu the past tense of bird fly?

No, bird flu is a disease caught from birds.

Can Penguins Spread Bird Flu?

Yes, all birds spread bird flu

How does bird flu effect humans?

See the related questions for information about the symptoms of bird flu. It has serious effects both on poultry and birds, but especially on humans. 50 - 60 % of the humans who have caught bird (Avian) flu have died from the disease. It does not spread easily from human to human, but the mortality rate is severe. Birds, especially water fowl and poultry, must be isolated or killed if they get this flu, which can drastically impact commercial poultry farmers and economies where these operations are major employers in the community.

Can you get Bird Flu?

if we have direct contact with birds then we get bird flu due to which we sneezes a lot and ultimately we die

What are some common bird flu symptoms?

The Bird Flu virus manifests itself in a variety of ways. The symptoms of Bird Flu are running nose, high ever, harsh cough, overall lethargy, and general fatigue.

Died from bird flu in UK?

Humans and birds can die from avian "bird" flu. Up to 60% of humans who get avian flu can die.

What bird sickness causes the birds feathers to come off?

Bird flu

How long does a person need to show his bird flu symptoms?

The incubation period of bird flu is expected to be 3 to 10 days.

What does bird flu eat?

Bird flu doesn't eat anything. It's just a virus that affects birds, making them really sick.

How can a bird get a flu?

From other birds since it is a flu virus. It moves among birds just like the regular flu moves among people. By direct or indirect contact between the birds. Birds spread the virus in their feces and saliva. Other birds can get it from eating at the same feeders or directly contacting the sick bird for example.

How many people caught bird flu?

only birds could have bird flu. it passed on from bird to bird through touch or their s hit. if anothere bird got sh at on by a bird with bird flue that bird would have it.