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hard, possibly white or black, in extreme cases streaking up your arm, fever. depends on if you have an abscess or simply missed a vein.

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Q: What are the symptoms of an abscess caused by injecting myself using a syringe?
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Renal abscess is a collection of pus within the kidney, typically caused by a bacterial infection. Perinephric abscess is an abscess that forms in the tissue surrounding the kidney. Both conditions usually present with symptoms such as fever, flank pain, and urinary symptoms, and require prompt medical treatment.

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An abscess is a sore on the gum that is caused by an infection. The only way to treat an abscess is to get an antibiotic from your dentist.

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Without knowing any more symptoms of the animal, it is hard to tell what caused her chest to swell up or why. It could be injury, abscess, or some other illness.

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What is a perianal abscess?

A perianal abscess is a painful collection of pus located near the anus. It is usually caused by an infection in the glands around the anus and may require medical intervention such as drainage or antibiotics to treat. Symptoms can include swelling, pain, redness, and fever.

What is an abscess?

A dental abscess, or tooth abscess, is an accumulation of pus that forms inside the teeth or gums. The abscess typically originates from a bacterial infection, often one that has accumulated in the soft pulp of the tooth. There are 3 types of dental abscess:Gingival abscess - the abscess is only in the gum tissue and does not affect the tooth or the periodontal ligament.Periodontal abscess - this abscess starts in the supporting bone tissue structures of the teeth.Periapical abscess - this abscess commences in the soft pulp of the tooth.Visit: Evista dosages online

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Can abscess cause shoulder pain?

It very well can, but of course it isn't the only thing that causes shoulder pain. Depends on what type of abscess it is. If the pain is dull but persistent, and when you touch/move your shoulder it severely worsens, then it may be caused by an abscess.

What is the difference between gingival abscess and periodontal abscess?

A gingival abscess is an infection located specifically in the gum tissue, while a periodontal abscess involves infection that extends deeper into the periodontal ligament and supporting bone structures. Gingival abscesses are usually caused by localized factors like food impaction or trauma, while periodontal abscesses are often related to underlying gum disease.

What do you mean by gluteal abscess?

A gluteal abscess is a collection of pus that forms in the deep tissues of the buttocks. It is often caused by a bacterial infection and can be painful, red, swollen, and warm to the touch. Treatment usually involves drainage of the abscess and antibiotics.

What kind of symptoms can be caused by allergies?

One can have many physical symptoms caused by allergies, including congestion, itchy eyes and inflamed skin. Nausea and breathing difficulties are also symptoms caused by allergies.